Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Goings On

My posts have become sparse over the last couple of months. I’m not sure if this is something people have noticed, or if it’s like, “Hey, now that you mention it, you’ve been a bit absent!” I haven’t really felt like blogging, and I don’t have a lot to say. This makes me sad because I love writing. I also love journaling and documenting, so my little private corner of the internet is a wonderful place for me to accomplish all of that. Lately I just haven’t been able to pull it off. 

I’m also not reading, and it’s weird. It’s like a switch went off one day and suddenly I didn’t enjoy reading anymore. I hope I’m just taking a break and that I’ll pick it back up again sometime soon. April 11 was the last time I finished a book. I keep trying - every now and then I turn on an audiobook or load something onto my Kindle app, but so far, nothing has held my attention. 

I honestly haven’t felt like myself for a while, and I don’t know if it’s depression… or something about being 40… or some kind of life transition. Am I just… changing? Is it perimenopause? 

I’m a bit off these days, but here are some things I’ve been up to lately:

We had a decent strawberry crop this season, and I was able to make some jam. The rest of the garden is… sorta “meh,” but the strawberries thrived!

On Father’s Day, Scotty had to meet with some people from the Tabernacle Choir about new dresses for the women (they’ve been wearing the same ones for 20+ years!!) I’ve always wanted to go behind the scenes at the Conference Center, so I invited myself along. 

I went with Scotty to his meetings, and then we stayed for Music & the Spoken Word (it was Lloyd Newell’s last broadcast). 

We’ve been to Lagoon a few times. We just go for a couple of hours first thing in the morning, but it’s getting too hot for my taste. 

I had to do a sleep study. This is the mannequin that taught me how to strap my equipment on. Results in 3-4 weeks.

My kids found size 21 Nikes at the DI. I want to find the former owner of these shoes.

We had a family campout with Scotty’s dad’s fam. They are not camping people, so this was really out of their norm. 

I’ve been spending a lot of time working on food prep for stake girls camp. My camera roll is full of stuff like this:

My committee and I will be feeding 150+ people nine meals and daily snacks. My basement is full of food. My freezer is full of food. And my mother-in-law’s freezer is full of food. 

We have just less than a month til camp. Meanwhile, the stake young men are leaving for camp tomorrow, and they just had their planning meeting on Sunday. 

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