Monday, July 29, 2024

Steve & Me, Me & Steve

Since I owe you a break from girls camp talk, I’m going to interject this little delight for your reading pleasure.

Last night I had a romantic dream…

About Steve Martin. 

Yup. White hair, glasses, 78 years old. 

Me & Steve.

Snuggling in the back of a van.

Everything was very chaste, but I was in love with him. Really, truly in love with him. And I kissed him on the cheek. 

So how do I unpack that?

I woke up from that dream at 4:30 this morning and immediately texted two of my friends. Some things can’t wait for normal waking hours! 


I share this story because I think it’s hilarious. My subconscious comes up with some wiggity whack stuff sometimes. Where did it come up with Steve Martin? 

Several years ago, I wrote about a similar dream on my blog because I thought it was a funny story. I ended up getting some comments that I had an adulterous spirit. “You wouldn’t be dreaming those things if they weren’t already in your mind and heart!” (is essentially what one anonymous commenter said). I also got comments from two people I knew. 

Additionally, I was accused of being adulterous after I posted a photo of me with a Hugh Jackman cardboard cutout on New Year’s Day with the caption “Happy Hugh Year.” That one came with a lecture from a church leader about worshipping celebrities (I always wonder… would it have been the same if my cardboard cutout had been Danny Devito?) So who knows what can of worms I’m opening up with this confession! 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Girls Camp Chronicles: A Bit of Fun and laughter

Last week, I went to the DI to see if I could find something funny to leave on my friend’s bed at girls camp. It was too hard to only pick one thing, and I ended up buying a cart full of dolls and stuffed animals to take to camp. I also hit the jackpot and found two mannequin heads. 

I packed all my dollies in a 27-gallon tote and hid them among the rest of the camp supplies. Then as camp got up and running, I began sneaking them into people’s beds. I started in my own cabin - where all of the stake leaders were staying. At that point, I hardly knew some of my roommates, and I wasn’t sure whose beds were whose, so I picked two at random and hoped they belonged to some gals with a good sense of humor.

Bed #1 ended up belonging to Julie from the stake YW presidency. She got this lovely gorilla man that sings “I Know You Want Me” by Pitbull

Bed #2 belonged to Shanece from our stake camp
committee who later confessed to me that she was surprised to find out I could be fun (she met me when I was all business)

From then on, I would just kinda sneak around camp and see what I could accomplish. I would put a few stuffies in a backpack and wander around until opportunity would arise.

This is my friend Laurel’s bed, and she put the dollies in our friend Sara’s bed, thinking they were from her, which made it all the better because it made my job easier when people started passing them around

This weird guy had a pouch in the back so I filled it up with candy, but I don’t think anyone ever noticed 

When people started getting suspicious, I put a decoy in my own bed so I could say, “It’s not me! I got one too!”

How perfect is this chef bear? It’s like someone knew what they were doing!

So for the first 48 hours of camp, I was able to stay mostly anonymous and throw people off my scent. 

I had one of the young women convinced that this pillow was from her secret sister:

She was so distraught because she couldn’t figure out why anyone would think she likes anime. 

I also left some surprises for our priesthood holders:

The next morning at 5:00, I went in the cooler to start breakfast and found this:

I would sometimes check for unlocked cars to leave some friends in:

And I worked really, really hard to figure out which bed in a cabin of 16 belonged to my friend Krystle so I could leave her a surprise:

I waited and waited to see if she would find out it was me. I never heard anything. Then on the last night of camp, I found out it wasn’t her bed! I about died laughing. The poor lady who found this baby on her bed was so confused! (We’re friend now). 

Laurel ended up sneaking a mannequin head into Krystle’s bed on the last night of camp and staying up waiting for her to find it so she could get a video for me. The best part is that Laurel and Krystle didn’t even know each other… but they do now!

Krystle named her Barbara

My favorite person to leave stuff for ended up being our camp director, Denise. She tried so hard to figure out who was behind it all, and I kept throwing her off my scent. I would say things like, “Denise, I wish I could say it’s me, but when would I have time to even do that?” 

My big folly was when I stuck a mannequin head in Denise’s bed about ten minutes before Whitney’s seizures started.

The first aid area was in our cabin, and Whitney was on the floor battling violent tremors while several people came in and out. We had some priesthood holders, our camp nurse, and a couple of Whitney’s ward leaders coming in and out. The nurse was on the phone with 911, and Denise was running around with the walkie talkie letting the missionaries know we had an ambulance coming. Meanwhile there was this mannequin head scaring the crap out of everyone in the middle of an emergency, and I felt HORRIBLE. I kept meaning to go sneak it out of there or cover it, but I was on the phone several times with Whitney’s family back home, so I never got around to it. 

We can laugh about it now that Whitney is okay, but at the time, I felt like a schmuck! That’s when I finally outed myself to Denise because I apologized to her for the bad timing. 

On the last morning of camp, I found some little friends in my bed:

At breakfast I set up a “take home” table and put out a bunch of stuff that people could take if they wanted, so I put a bunch of the stuffies out there, and they all got taken. 

Me with some of my supplies

My blond mannequin didn't make it back to me before the end of camp, but I had a feeling she was going to come home just fine. Sure enough, she turned up on my porch a couple of days after camp with a memory book of photos:

I love it so much! And the best part is that Krystle did this entire photo shoot the last morning of camp, so she was super busy to pull it off. She had to pack up her entire ward AND spend quality with Barbara before getting booted off the property by 9:00 a.m.

Here are just a few other photos

Me, Laurel, and the dollies

Me, Sara, and the dollies 

Me with Barbara before she went to visit Krystle

Denise after Whitney left in the ambulance 

One of Barbara’s hangouts

Now I’m interested to see how many of these things end up back in my possession over time. I have the feeling that I’ve set myself up as a target! 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Girls Camp Chronicles: The Rundown

We had stake girls camp this week! It has finally come and gone. Back in February (ish?) I was called to be on the stake camp committee. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but I accepted. I ended up taking on the assignment of overseeing the food. When our camp director asked if someone wanted to be in charge of food, I figured that would be a good spot for me. Keep me behind the scenes where I don’t have to entertain children or manage behavior. Let me just feed them. 

So feed them I did, and I loved every second of it. 

There is a lot I want to write down about camp, but I don’t know how to organize my thoughts and memories, so for now, I’m just going to ramble a bit, and at some point, I’ll probably write some additional posts with food info that I can rely on later and that might be helpful to others who end up in this boat. 

For now, here’s a little about our camp…

The Location

We had the privilege of going to Heber Valley Camp. It’s the place you always hear about… the one with the ravest of reviews… and let me tell you, it’s a great place! I’m glad we got to go there, and if you’re cooking nine meals for 150 people, that’s the place to do it! I loved the industrial kitchen and walk-in cooler. As Camp Chef, I appreciated the amenities! 

However, with that said, I have also loved all of the other Church-owned camps I’ve been to. Each one has unique offerings, so I’m not a “HVC Always” person. But I’m glad I got to have that experience.

The Theme

The theme for our camp was chosen by the YCLs (Youth Camp Leaders). We gave them the guidance of aligning with the Church’s youth theme for 2024: I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ. They decided they wanted to focus on the temple and covenants since we recently became part of the new Taylorsville Temple district. They wanted hoodies (who doesn’t love a good camp hoodie?) and came up with the theme Happiest Place on Earth with the Taylorsville Temple at the center (we had someone look into copyright stuff for good measure… because… you know…). 

The Committee

We had six of us on the camp committee, and then I asked a couple of additional friends to help with food. 

A confession: I’m not great at committees. I’m not a team player. I’m more of a “let me do it myself” person in most cases, but this committee was the best, most positive team effort I have ever experienced in my life. We worked so well together, and we had the perfect balance of talents and abilities. We fell into our roles naturally, and we knew how to rely on each other. It was really quite special. 

We are missing two of our sweet friends who had to leave early

On the way home, my friend and fellow committee member was telling me how, leading up to camp, she felt like she wasn’t contributing and that there was really no point in her even being on the committee. It was a bit of a wrestle for her. But when we were actually at camp, her role became obvious. She was busy and very needed, and she was able to use her strengths fully. I saw that in all of her efforts, and it was just really cool to know that we each found our place. Some of us had to do more work PRIOR to camp, and some of us had to go in to beast mode AT camp. Me? I did both. Because food.

The Campers

It was hard to keep track of numbers, but last I heard, we ended up with just shy of 150 people at camp - about 145. Someone said we had 104 young women there. The numbers fluctuated with girls and leaders coming and going, but in my head, I’m going with 150. 

The Activities

One nice thing about HVC is that they have so many built-in activities. We didn’t have to plan a lot. The girls went conoeing & hiking, did a challenge course, threw axes, and had multiple presentations on spiritual themes by the camp missionaries. There was volleyball and nine square. 

One of our committee members brought a craft - cute keychains with the camp theme:

We also had supplies for bracelets and the YCLs did a game night. 

The schedule was jam-packed, so everyone stayed pretty busy, but I think we all could have done with a little more downtime. There is just so much to do at HVC that we didn’t want to miss out on anything.

One really fun thing we were able to have at camp was a set up of nacho machines! We have a lady in our stake who offered them up for our use, so Tuesday night the girls went on a sunset hike, and when they got back, we had a late night nacho bar. 

We just had to be creative about where we kept the machines plugged in when they weren’t in use (as not to trip the breakers in the kitchen).

Pardon our mannequin head. I’ll talk about her later (also, this isn’t the bathroom. Haha! It’s just a room with sinks, so no fecal matter flew onto the nacho machine during flushes).

The Emergency

We were required to have a medical person at our camp, and wow! Was she ever busy! We asked an RN to be our medical rep, and she was running around all of camp. I asked her if she felt like we were having a “normal” amount of medical needs for a stake camp because it seemed to me like there was a lot going on! She confirmed that we were having more medical issues than she had ever seen at a previous camp. We had cuts and stings. Puke. Bloody noses. Kind of mild stuff, but it was just ongoing. Every time I turned round, I swear someone needed the nurse. 

But then we had a doozy. One of our sweet gals, Whitney, had a series of grand mal seizures and had to be taken by ambulance on the last night of camp. It was heartbreaking, but there were so many tender things happening during the scare. At one point, I was going in and out of the medical area on the phone with her dad (fortunately her mom was at camp with her and right there by her side), and when I went through the door out into the pavilion, everyone was gathered in a circle praying. The paramedics were able to get her stabilized in the ambulance, and she went to the hospital for a while for monitoring and got discharged later that night. She is doing okay now. Her epilepsy is quite severe, so her mom was prepared for the possibility that it could happen, but she wanted her to get to come to camp. Whitney had a really good time at camp; it was just sad to have her experience end the way it did.

Whitney ran right outside to see me the next morning at her house. I was in shock to see her up and going like her normal self. I thought she’d sleep for a week straight!

While I was packing for camp, I repeatedly felt like I needed to take a stack of blank paper. On the last morning of camp, I was able to put out paper for everyone to send notes home for Whitney. There were so many little blessings like that all throughout camp - little occurrences where some small insight ended up providing us with something we needed and didn’t even realize!

When I started in this calling, I thought I’d get through it and move on with life, happy it was over. I am happy that it’s over, but not in the way I expected. What makes me “happy it’s over” is the wonderful feeling of fulfillment I’m experiencing. It’s not “oh thank heavens it’s over,” like I expected. It’s more of a “Wow! We did it, and it was worth it!” 

I have been in a mega spiritual slump for a long time. I don’t really feel the Spirit much. I fight the battle of not wanting to go to church on Sundays. I’ve been super numb and honestly, kind of disinterested. But I saw so many tiny miracles and wonderful things in this camp experience that I am renewed. I’m not sure to what degree I am renewed, but I feel like I can start fresh spiritually. It was so, so good for me to participate in camp. There were so many tiny experiences throughout it that showed me the hand of the Lord, and I had experience after experience that made me feel like I was exactly where the Lord needed me to be in all this.

Now that I’m home, I’ve hit my wall and need to sleep for a week, but it was all worth it. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Currently (Seriously How is it Still July Edition)


Drinking: water. I just got back from girls camp, and I’m super dehydrated.

Cooking: nothing. After four days of cooking for 150+ people, I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.


I haven’t heard anyone else’s opinion of Twisters, but I was really excited to see it. I liked it well enough. 

Sick of: my summer wardrobe. I’m looking forward to fall weather and being able to wear clothes I actually like.

Wearing: my summer wardrobe of dumb t-shirts and black biker shorts with side pockets. 

Buying: mattresses for Nicky and Daisy. They have been sleeping on hand-me-down mattresses from my aunt that are about 40 years old.

I know. Gross.

Annoyed by: coughing. I always have some sort of cough. 

Laughing about: the most random photo on my cell phone right now.

Dreading: putting away all my camp stuff.

Missing: Nicky. He’s at FSY.

Singing: “Firmer Hand / Do Right” from Bright Star.

Thinking about: what DI dress I’m going to wear to church on Sunday and whether I need to steam it.

Playing: not corn hole. I hate corn hole.

Trying: to start reading more.

Needing: to do some food inventory in the house and make a meal plan. 

Excited about: school starting soon (don’t tell my kids).

Eating: zucchini. Tis the season.

Grateful for: my pillows.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Test

Through my schooling years, I always enjoyed taking a well-written test. The key term there is WELL-WRITTEN… as in the instructions were clear, my comprehension was being properly assessed, and the content matched the curriculum. 

My favorite tests of all time (yes, I have favorites!) were my AP Psychology tests. They were gold, and I loved taking them. I would study my butt off for those tests, and it always paid off because I got the high score in my class every single time. That totally fed my teenage ego because I came into the class half-way through the year, and I was scared to death about being behind, and then I got the high score on my very first test and (obviously) had to maintain that standard for the rest of the school year with much praise from my teacher.

There’s something that appeals to me about the test - about finding out how I did. Sometimes I take a test and it’s exactly what I planned for (which is the BEST feeling!) Other times it’s not what I planned for at all (and that’s infuriating if I put in the work. If I didn’t put in the work, I’m willing to own that I didn’t do my part). 

Pretty soon here I’ll be putting something new to the test. I’ve mentioned that I am in charge of the food for stake girls camp this year (a four-day church camp for girls 12-18). I’ve spent the last four(ish) months comparing costs, shopping, baking, and putting my math skills to work. My basement has been overtaken by non-perishables, my freezer has been fully loaded since May, and my living room smells like potatoes. 

This will go away someday

Since I have a little bit of a crazy streak, I wanted to make a few homemade things to enjoy at camp, so I’ve baked cornbread, three kinds of cookies, and breadsticks (the breadsticks were pushing things a little bit, but I knew what I was getting into, and I really wanted to do it). 

The face of a woman who just finished baking her 374th breadstick and needs a Coke, a nap, and an extra freezer

(Allow me to interject that the Lord does not care if you bring homemade breadsticks to girls camp. This is not what He asked of me, and it’s not what He asks of any of you, but feeding people is definitely one of my ways of showing love, so I made breadsticks. I’m also nuts).

I made 100 brookies for camp and then a few days later I was craving them so I made 100 more just for me

We’ll have 160 people for most meals with 180-190 for one of the dinners - for a total of nine meals served (plus snacks and a few desserts). I have a great crew coming to help me. Did I ask some of my best friends to be my committee? Maybe. Was that selfish or inspired? I say inspired. When Scotty and I met with the wardrobe coordinator for the Tabernacle Choir last month, I had been trying to decide who to ask to be on the food committee. I already had one friend on the team (that’s Bri), and I needed to gather a few more. I just really wanted to ask my friends, but I felt like I was expected to reach outside of my social circle. When I was talking to the wardrobe coordinator, she told me how when she was called to the position, she was asked to gather a committee, and she had no idea who to even consider. Then she was inspired to ask her two best friends. As soon as she told me that story, I had a comforting feeling that I could ask exactly who I wanted to ask… some of my closest friends. I had three in mind. I asked two of them (Michelle and Melissa) and left the third (Christie) alone because she has so much on her plate already. Then I found out that she is coming to camp every day anyway to be with her daughter who has epilepsy, so I asked her if she’ll help us in the kitchen. 

Funny how things work out sometimes. 

I also have the additional advantage of having lots of friends going to camp that I can rope in to help at any time.

It’s almost time to test it out - to find out the successes and the failures. I’m as prepared as I can possibly be - which is a feeling I always got before a test and a feeling I get before I teach a lesson in Relief Society. You get to the point where you’ve done everything you can, and you just have to turn it all over to a higher power.

The good news is…  no one will starve. This much I know. We might survive on fruit snacks and mustard, but WE WILL SURVIVE!

When Nicky carried in the camp food

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Have a Friend

Over the last few days I’ve been thinking about how blessed I am in friendship. What has brought this about? I will be going to stake girls camp shortly, and I’ve realized how many amazing friends I’ll have there. I’m basically going on a mountain retreat with some of the best women in the world (and 150 teenage girls). 

Because my friends are so amazing, let me tell you a bit about them.

I have a friend…

…who would give you the shirt off her back. Literally. Like, don’t tell her you like her shirt because she WILL take it off and give it to you.

That same friend will slip a candy bar into your hand in the middle of a church meeting, sneak a Cafe Rio card into your purse, and show up on your porch at midnight with a box of cookies for your kids’ birthday. 

I have a friend…

…who knows everyone’s name and remembers everything about them. She makes everyone feel like they are her best friend (but sorry, ya’ll… her best friend is ME). 

I have a friend…

…who spends hours and hours taking and editing photos of people because she wants everyone to enjoy captured memories and feel good about themselves. 

I have a friend…

…who forgives and let’s go and doesn’t hold a grudge. She is always willing to give anyone a chance to start over. She’s just waiting with welcome arms.

I have a friend…

…who shows up with spontaneous loaves of sourdough bread. 

She also gets all my packages off my porch when I’m not home, goes in my house to turn off lights and close windows when I forget, and lets me steal things out of her fridge when I run out. 

I have a friend…

…who lets my daughter dump all her drama on her, and she listens and plays the part of sentinel on my behalf. She lets me know when there’s something going on that I need to check in on. 

She also takes my kids off my hands for hours sometimes even though I haven’t been able to return the favor to the same extent.

I have a friend…

…who never speaks negatively of her body. She is a breath of fresh air; a wonderful example of how we don’t need to berate ourselves. We can just embrace what we’ve got and enjoy life.

I have a friend… 

…who knows when I need a compliment. She always serves them up at the exact time they are needed, and she is deep and sincere. She tells me the greatest parts of my character, and I am both humbled and lifted by her validation. 

She also celebrates EVERY success I have and is never competitive or jealous. She genuinely loves to see good things happen to me. I feel like she’s my biggest fan!

I have a friend… 

…who never tries to impress anyone. There is no keeping up with the Jones’s or one-upping anyone. She is always her genuine self and just as sweet as can be. She is very giving in the community and kind to everyone.

I have a friend…

…who gives the funnest and most creative and thoughtful gifts. I’m always excited to see what she comes up with for holidays and birthdays. She is detail-oriented in everything she does, and she always puts things together so beautifully. You feel special being a recipient of her presents. 

She is also one of the funniest people I know, and I can tell her anything! I never have to feel embarrassed about anything with her. She is a safe and loving friend and one of the best people to talk about TV with. I pursue a lot of her recommendations and have enjoyed a lot of shows thanks to her!

I have a friend…

…with whom I exchange gardening texts several times a week. For years we have shared our excitement over every little seedling, every bloom, and every harvest. We do this from two states away, since she has moved from Utah to Arizona, to Montana over the past few years. 

I have a friend… 

…who is frighteningly extroverted, and she gets me to do things I normally wouldn’t do. Sometimes she can bring things out in me that normally lie dormant. 

I have a friend…

…who always shares her bounty. She has some fantastic fruit trees in her yard, and she shows up at my house with cherries, apples, and peaches. She also lets me go pick whatever I want, whenever I want! I always have a freezer full of smoothie ingredients because she shares.

I have a friend… 

…who has whatever I need and just shows up with it like “Here you go.” She never lets me pay her for anything or do anything for her in return, she’s just like, “Oh, your temple dress is too small? Okay. Here. Have mine even though it’s brand new, and I’ve only worn it once.” 

I have a friend…

…who loves my kids, and it just really feels nice to have someone love my kids outside of familial obligation. 


So, as you can see, I’m a bit spoiled. I hope I never take my friends for granted because I am truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Things the Kids Say: Episode 32

“Divorced, disheaded, died… divorced, disheaded, survived!”

-Eva singing Six


“I’m craving something with chocolate, caramel, and nuts. Maybe something wrapped in a paper that says Snickers on it.”



“I don’t get why we have to learn to read. If I want to be a heart surgeon, I don’t have to be able to read.”



“I’m not wearing a tie to the temple, and if anyone questions me, I’m going to ask them if they’ve ever seen a picture of Jesus wearing a tie.”


(Me: Technically you could make the same argument for pants)


“Being alive is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”



“None of our families make sense. Every time we get together with family, I don’t know who any of those people are.”

-Daisy (she’s not wrong)


Zoe: You know our cousin that’s Korean?

Me: You don’t have any Korean cousins, honey.

Zoe: Yea I do. The one that’s name is Korean.

Me: None of your cousins have a Korean name. 

Daisy: She’s talking about Corynn.