Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Few Zucchini Recipes for Your Consideration

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #16:


In a normal summer, we have tons and tons of zucchini from our garden. This year is not normal - we haven’t had nearly the amount of zucchini we usually do. Luckily we’ve had some. Just not tons. It’s nice to not be overwhelmed by zucchini, but at the same time, it’s a bummer to not have zucchini available at all times. We have to wait for it and hope we don’t miss the thirty second window in which the zucchini goes from “too small” to “big as your thigh."

Over the years I’ve tried a lot of different ways to eat zucchini - some of the more interesting ones being mock apple pie and zucchini jelly

Here are a few zucchini recipes that we’ve kept around and used often (sorry for the lack of photos - lists of links to recipes drive me crazy. I want pictures!):

The lemon juice and fresh basil in this recipe really make it really yummy, and it’s kind of a unique dish.

(This is what I’ve been trying to make all week, but I haven’t had the proper zucchini appear in the garden yet. Meanwhile the basil is waiting patiently).

My friend Julie passed this recipe on to me, and it’s delicious comfort food! Pretend it’s healthy… it has zucchini in it, after all! Most of my family really likes this, but not all members of this family will eat zucchini. Zoe usually eats around it.

I’ve only made this once but intend to make it more.

This one is on the healthier side.

In this one, I just swap out all the veggies for exclusively zucchini.

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