Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Happy Places

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #20:

Happy Place

I thought about sharing a specific happy place for this post, but I couldn't choose just one. So I decided I would make a list of several happy places, but that list is just too darn long. Then I concluded that I wouldn't write about physical places at all because it's not really the place that makes a "happy place."

So what is it? What's the consistent factor that makes a happy place a happy place?

I didn't think I could narrow it down to one thing, but I did! I know what it is!

The happiest places offer me something to marvel at.

Something visually appealing like a sunset or a reflection on water.

Happy Place: the mountains

An interaction with a friend or an inspiring conversation with someone I just met.

Happy Place: out with friends

The presence of laughter and feelings of closeness with other people.

Happy Place: with Scotty

Something unexpected like finding a five dollar bill on the sidewalk or stumbling across a good deal at the store.

Happy Place: the milk aisle when milk is marked down

Something incomprehensible like the expanse of the ocean and the way the tide moves in and out.

Happy Place: the beach

And yes, it can be (and often is, in my case) food. 

Happy Place: Crown Burgers

For me, the happiest places are where I have experienced moments of wonder and awe. Places where I have slowed down to notice the goodness around me.

(Now admit it, you're marveling at my BLT! I think I might need to track down a "happy place" for lunch today).

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