Saturday, September 30, 2023

September is Over (and ten other random TRUE facts)

 September Writing Challenge: Prompt #2:


I can't believe September is ending. This month was really big. So much happened! Most significantly, the change in our ward boundaries. It's kind of a big deal for our area, and it's going to take us a while to get used to it. 

Here are some things that are true from the past month:

Fact #1: Sometimes my kids have tamales and Mt. Dew for breakfast

Fact #2: I forgot to take lettuce and tomatoes to a Labor Day BBQ, and I'm still not over it (I remembered the potato salad, though!)

Fact #3: Fisher Price released NSync Little People!
Fact #4: We found a bag of cotton candy in the garbage can at Lagoon... and we ate it.

Fact #5: Our backyard is still overrun with grasshoppers.

Fact #6: Despite how it looks in this photo, Eva seems to love haunted houses.

Fact #7: Nicky's favorite Homecoming Week activity is wearing a girl's cheer uniform and performing at the Powder Puff football game. 

Fact #8: Our garage, truck, and fence were vandalized this month (twice for the fence), so we've done a lot of painting. It's not a good feeling. 

Fact #9: Nicky found this autographed CD at the DI for $1 and bought it for me.

Fact #10: It's still pretty warm here (mid 80's), so we are seasonally confused which means we eat soup and watermelon for dinner. 

With that, the September Writing Challenge comes to an end. I was able to post every day this month, and some of my posts were way, hecka long, so if you actually read them, please treat yourself to a reward of your choice (use this as an excuse to get what you want. Pizza? Acceptable. Ninety-minute massage? Even better!) 

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