Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday Things

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #6:

Things on a Thursday 

What word do you think is fun to say? “Fish” but pronounced “feesh.” 

What do you think is the most relaxing sound? Rain or the trickle of a stream. 

Have you ever invented anything? No, but if I did it would be a washer with a disposal for when kids puke all over their blankets. 

What holiday do you think has the best food? Thanksgiving. I’m all about that stuffing. 

The recipe I use 
(I dry out my bread overnight)

What smell transports you to a special memory? Eternity cologne reminds me of when Scotty and I were dating. Bath & Body Works cucumber melon and country apple remind me of high school. Victoria’s Secret love spell lotion reminds me of a job I had when I was a junior (my boss kept a bottle under the cash register). Volkswagen bugs have a distinct smell I remember from childhood (my dad had a VW bug). And Cabbage Patch Kids have a childhood scent too! 

Did you ever have a recurring nightmare? Yes. About twice a month, I have nightmares that my step-dad comes back into my life, and I do everything I can to keep him away from my kids and my mom. So that’s cool. Nothing like a little family trauma to keep you on your toes. 

What is the most meaningful gift you have ever given? Several years ago, my father-in-law was going to Nauvoo, so I put together his pioneer family history and gave it to my mother-in-law to surprise him with on the plane. Back then the stories weren’t available online, so I had to send his pedigree by mail to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers to request the histories, and then photocopies were sent to me by mail. I edited them and retyped them and put them all in a binder. 

Have you ever won something? In third grade I won a poetry contest, and my prize was a 25% discount to a framing shop. Because nine-year-olds need to get stuff framed. 

What instrument did you play as a kid? None. I took five minutes of piano lessons, and I can play “Oh Susannah” on the harmonica because that’s a requirement in my dad’s family. 

Do you enjoy or hate shopping? In between. It depends on my mood, how much money I have, what store, and what I’m shopping for. 

How would you describe your personality? Half delightful, half complicated. I’m sorry to those of you who know the complicated side. 

What food are you a master of cooking? Toad in a Hole - as in toast with a hole in it and an egg cooked in the hole (not the English toad in a hole). Apparently some people call it Egg in a Basket. We simply call them “toads” and it’s the most popular breakfast at our house. Except we got lazy and stopped putting the hole in the bread, so now we just have runny eggs and toast, and we still call them “toads.” 

What skill do you think is essential for everyone to learn? Budgeting and meal planning. I thought these were things everyone knew how to do, but a few years ago, I was assigned to help a lady at my church who told me she had no idea how to budget or meal plan. She declared, “I really don’t know how to plan my money or plan my food.” It was kind of a startling revelation to me. 

What drives you nuts about social media? There’s the obvious - the misleading, fake lives that are flaunted all over social media. But also, I don’t like that people can make money off social media, and I don’t like when people can no longer think for themselves or discern truth because of how they are influenced by social media. 

Do you think it was harder to live in the 50’s, 80’s, or now? I think every era has its difficulties. 

What was the craziest thing you did as a kid? I was a pretty mild kid, so I don’t have a lot of wild stories, but one time I took my hamster to church in my scripture case.

What is something that is really out of your comfort zone? Umm… mostly everything. But for the sake of giving examples, skydiving and zip lining. Nope. Uh-uh. 

What really stupid movie always makes you laugh? Robin Hood: Men in Tights. 

Have you ever collected anything? I used to collect license plates.  I ended on using some of them to makeover a dresser for Nicky’s room.

Are you a competitive person? Yes, but quietly so. 

1 comment: said...

Reading this while eating my hole in the egg