Wednesday, September 13, 2023

To Do

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #28:

To Do List

Every year when I do the September Writing Challenge, I get a head start. I always have a few posts written and ready to go before the month begins. Then I stay ahead for a while by continuing to draft posts. But posting daily runs through my reserve quickly, and eventually I get to the point where I am out of pre-written posts. I hit that point today (except for one post that I have written but want to save for closer to the end of the month). This is the turning point - this is where I might have to miss a few days because I’m out of content. 

Along that same topic, I scrolled through some of my posts from Septembers past, and I realized that I have repeated some of the same prompts over and over from year to year. In some ways, I guess I’m a one-trick pony. So for that reason, I am making a goal right now to have all new prompts for my next writing challenge. No repeats from any past years! 

Anyway, I have a confession: I haven’t had a lot going on during the day while my kids have been at school. I don’t want to say that loudly because I don’t want anyone to think I need to “fix” that. Right now I’m very much in recovery from mental health things. So I need my days to be a little bit mild, and I’m being protective of my time. My mornings, afternoons, and evenings are rather busy. But I have a chunk of time most days while everyone is gone when I can embrace some calm. 

On days that I have such freedom, I usually exercise, tidy up my house, do meal prep and budgeting, and take care of errands. I have a running To Do list on my phone of tasks I can tackle during the day if I’m able, but it’s not a Must Do list. I look at it more as Extra Credit - anything I cross off that list is a bonus I can pat myself on the back for. 

Today’s bonus: go to the dentist!

Okay, so that’s not really Extra Credit since I had an appointment, but the Extra Credit part happened last week when I called and made the appointment. 

(I continue to brag about the fact that I floss everyday. I expect compliments from the dental staff every visit).

(I only floss as much as I do because I have two “food traps” where stuff gets stuck, and I can’t stand the way it feels. I’m no flossing saint. I floss because my teeth bug me, and I can’t focus on anything else until it’s fixed). 

I feel a huge relief having checked the dentist off my To Do list. I was a year and a half overdue. I’m normally pretty good at keeping up on my dental visits, but at the beginning of last year, I had that horrible herpes outbreak in my mouth after going to the dentist, and I have struggled to return. I have scar tissue on the roof of my mouth from some of the sores from that outbreak, so I’ve just been a little fearful of it happening again. The outbreak was most likely triggered by my dental cleaning, and now that I know I’m prone to it, I’m a little wary. However, the dentist said any subsequent outbreaks should be far more mild, and I have had a few sores since the initial outbreak that help me believe him. I’ve still never had the traditional cold sore, though. I can also take Valtrex right away if ever I suspect another outbreak. I just need the good judgment to know it’s happening.

In other To Do news, in addition to going to the dentist today, I walked three miles and cleaned my bathroom. If I can get to the store to buy milk and hamburger buns, I’ll be the ultimate champion!

1 comment:

Jo said...

I had a kind of “rough” hygenist and if she cracked a corner on my mouth, I would get a cold sore. So I did two things, changed to the most gentle one recommended in the dentist office, and also put a generous amount of vaseline on my lips before she starts. It helped. I hope you don’t get any sores this time!