Sunday, October 1, 2023

Currently (General Conference Edition)


I’m really struggling with reading right now. I can’t focus, so I keep starting books and giving up.

Sick of: my kids fighting. 

Cooking; scones (as we call them in Utah) or fry bread (as people will correct me). That was our General Conference breakfast. As the scone fryer, I now have a coat of oil on my eyeballs.

Aside: when I was working at our local dairy fresh out of high school, we had “scone season” at Christmas time. I aways felt like my eyeballs were coated in oil from Thanksgiving until Christmas. I probably always smelled like a fryer, too. Scotty probably loved it. 

Suffering from: too much General Conference food (thanks to my mother-in-law, who is a woman of abundance). 

MIL’s food assignment: milk and juice for breakfast, nacho toppings for lunch. 

MIL’s contribution: assigned food + caramel & apples + two Crock Pots of chili (in addition the two kinds of meat my SIL brought) + seven-layer dip + sugar cookies + apple crisp and ice cream + two kind of Oreos + Costco bag of Halloween candy + two Costco boxes of bagged chips.

Annoyed by: my kids sticking stuff in my face all the time.

Wanting: to do a new Christmas tree this year. I’m not sure if I will (because money, and I don’t have a grand idea), but it’s been on my radar lately. I’ve been keeping my eye out for a color scheme or theme that I like. 

Wearing: my Sunday shirt. 

Dreading: fall break. 

Sad about: Nicky being the only kid his age in our new ward.

Embarrassed by: the combination of my baggy eyes and my zits. Am I young or am I old? My face can’t decide. 

Happy about: cooler weather. I still can’t wear pants for a full day (it gets too hot mid-day), but I’m getting closer!


Daisy and I have been making bracelets while we listen to General Conference. 

Feeling: PMS-y. It’s taken me most of my life to finally recognize it and call it what it is. When everyone is extremely annoying to me for three days straight, and I’m on the brink of running away from my family and living in a cave in the mountains, Aunt Flo’s a-comin’. 

Saying: “Hold on to your butts!” every time I make a left turn from Merry Lane to 35th (IYKYK).

Struggling with: being in large groups of people. 

Listening to: 

I figured I’d listen to the first three books again in anticipation of the new movie coming out next month. It also works well with my brain fog because I know the stories well enough that I can check out for a while and still know what’s going on.

Looking forward to: riding the new rollercoaster at Lagoon. We have an appointment - which is so funny to me. “I’m sorry, I’m not available this evening. I have an appointment.”

Buying: snacks for the theatre kids at the high school for the upcoming Shakespeare competition. 

Smelling: my kids’ burps. Remember how they keep getting in my face? 


This one has caused a little bit of contention in my marriage. 

Craving: pizza. 

Worried about: everything at once, and then nothing, and then everything, and then nothing.

Watching: General Conference (45 minutes left).

Trying: to save money because A) I want to go on vacation and B) I’m worried that one (or all) of our cars will poop out on us at any moment. Ask me how it’s going…

Needing: to clean my mother-in-law’s house. My kids and their cousins have trashed the place during Conference. 

Thankful for: shelter.

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