Thursday, October 5, 2023

(My) Kids These Days


-Just finished the golf season and didn’t really enjoy it this year. 

-Was cast as “Windward” in The Little Mermaid at the high school. He’s a seahorse. Can’t wait to see what his costume looks like. Update: I now have his costume in my possession and have been tasked with adding sequins.

-Works two nights a week belaying for rock climbing classes. 

-Is on seminary council and the stake youth council. In other words… is way too busy. 

-Is heading to the Shakespeare competition in Cedar City. He was hoping his scene wouldn’t be chosen for the competition, but it was. 

-Went to homecoming with his friend Regan, and just got asked to Sadie’s. 

-Is participating in all the high school things and having a good time.

-Is trying out for the swim team even though his mom and dad have tried to point out to him that he can’t fit one more thing in.


-Just turned 14 on September 14th.

-Is on the junior high dance company again this year.

-Had her choreography chosen for the winter dance concert. She wouldn’t let me help and doesn’t want me to see it until the concert.

-Was moved to a different dance class at the community studio. She’s sad that she’s not with her peers that she’s been dancing with for many years, but she is being challenged more in the new class, so it’s a good change. 

-Is socially awkward and painfully insecure in all the same ways I was at her age.

-Is obsessed with Ken and Draco Malfoy. She keeps a Ken doll in her backpack, and she wears Draco Malfoy earrings and makes everything customizable (like the wallpaper on her phone) into something Malfoy or Slytherin related. 

-Likes to check out all the boys at Lagoon (but acts like that’s not what she’s doing).

-Is having a hard time with the ward boundary change because she got separated from some of her besties.

-Has a very messy room. On Monday I hid this DI find in there, and I’m still waiting for her to discover it!


-Is doing Lego League for school, so I take her to school early twice a week.

-Still has big dreams all day everyday. One of her latest things is that she is writing books to donate to her classroom. I warned her teacher in an email at the start of the school year that Zoe would impose a lot of Big Ideas on her. 

-Has been learning about conservation at school and is on a “save the earth” kick. I’m like “How about you do things at home to help the earth? Like turn your closet light off?” But she’s more into breeding endangered animals and starting elaborate “save the earth” clubs. 

-Made her own sock puppets for a presentation at school… about conservation. 

-Wants chicken noodle soup all the time. 

-Sometimes surprises us by coming home from school and doing the dishes on her dish day (Wednesday) without being asked (it depends on her mood and what she wants).

-Is really into flannel right now, and always asks for flannel shirts when we go to DI. 

-Has very explosive emotions.

-Has a very hard time with friendship. She has been through some heartbreaking things. 


-Wants to be taken to a store everyday and thinks she has unlimited funding to buy anything she wants. 

-Is in an after school program called Tennis & Tutoring.

-Hit benchmark for reading for the first time ever! But is apparently not good at math and is performing at a kindergarten/1st grade level (she is in 3rd), so yippy. 

-Fights with Zoe non-stop.

-Asks for a pet everyday. She promises that she will take care of it, and that we can kill it if we ever want to go on vacation (she's full of solutions).

-Creates a trail of messes everywhere she goes and leaves her stuff all over the house. 

-Always brings stuff home from school and says her friends gave it to her. She’s either a klepto, or she has a sneaky way of getting everyone to give her stuff. 

-Is really funny and incredibly demanding.

-Totes around a skeleton from Dollar Tree and calls him "Grandpa Gary."

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