Thursday, January 19, 2023

All the Ways My Life Has Changed This Week

This has been a big week (technically week and a half) in the Brittish household. 

First of all, as you know from this post, we bought a Jeep for Nicky to drive. Investing in a third vehicle is a big deal to me. Not only do we need to figure out insurance, gas, and maintenance expenses, we’ve also had to reconfigure all of our parking routines at the house. 

In addition to that, Nicky ended up snagging an appointment for his driver's test a few days ago, and it's official! He got his license! He told his sisters that on the day he got his driver's license, he would take them to McDonald's, so we sent them off on their own to binge Happy Meals and McFlurries. 

On Wednesday, Nicky drove himself to school, and it was wonderful! This morning he dropped Daisy off for early morning dance rehearsal, and I stayed home and stared blankly at the wall because I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do! That just bought me 40 extra minutes in my morning!

A few days after we bought the Jeep, we bought a new dishwasher. I saved all the money I made from selling pumpkin rolls in the fall plus the money I got for Christmas and my birthday, and I went marching into Lowe’s like I owned the places and declared, “I want that one!”

You guys! My dishes are CLEAN and DRY. I've heard that life could be like this, but I never experienced it until now. Our previous dishwasher couldn't even get butter off a plate! (Shouldn't it just melt off? I feel like the darn thing defied science!) The new dishwasher tackled a Pyrex bowl coated in dried up mashed potato residue like it was nothing. 

Over the weekend, someone offered us a gently used mattress. We've needed a new mattress for years but A) there's never any money for a mattress (we accidentally spend it on vacations instead), and B) I have mattress buying phobia (seriously, how do you commit to a mattress? How???) For nearly twenty years, Scotty and I have been sleeping on a mattress we bought from a Marriott hotel for $20 when we first got married. I've seen better mattresses on the side of the road than the one we've been sleeping on. So we took that free mattress, gave it a good shampoo, and put it on our bed. Now our bed is 8" higher, and everything about life is totally different. I can no longer simply sit down on my bed. I have to hop up onto it since it's above butt level. My feet can no longer touch the ground which means, as I discovered on Sunday, I need to come up with a new way to put my tights on.

Another big change to our house from this past weekend is the installation of a new toilet handle. For the past two months, we've had to hold the toilet handle down for 8 seconds to flush the toilet (I counted). Now we get to flush like normal people, and I have at least 12 more minutes available each day!

And if that isn’t enough change for one week, here’s more!

Yesterday I got rid of all our little kid hangers. I swapped out the last of Zoe and Eva’s itty bitty hangers for regular sized ones. We have big kids now with big head holes in their clothes. If moms wore scout shirts and gained patches for various milestones in parenthood, I feel like there would be a patch for this. No more baby hangers. It’s bitter sweet. 

Last but not least, Nicky got a job. Or at least a job offer. He needs to pass his drug test before it’s officially official, which brings us to some more milestones: first job interview, first job, first drug test, and first time peeing in a cup! I hope there’s no backsplash. I found that I didn’t have time to coach him about interviewing for a job, but I spent about five minutes last night before bed talking to him about peeing in a cup.

It’s a special brand of mothering I do.

A lot of big things have happened all at once, and while it’s very exciting and good, I’m not sure this is the pace I prefer! But if it means I get to have clean pots and pans and spend less time being an unpaid Uber, I’ll make it work!

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