Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Prompts

I started this post yesterday by stating how rare and beautiful my Saturday was because I had some extra time in my schedule to just… be. 

That changed quickly, and this post rolled into Sunday. So here I lay in my bed at 10:08 pm on Sunday night, taking some time to just… be. 

I was in the mood to write, but I didn’t have any brain power to draw from, so here’s another writing prompt from my Pinterest board. This one is called “August,” which means nothing at all. 

1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember.

I want to remember my friend, Jill’s talk in sacrament meeting about music. She pointed out that in the hymnal, in the introductory pages, it lists some of the blessings of incorporating the hymns into our meetings and our home. Jill is a profoundly gifted musician, and I loved her thoughts on the topic. 

I always wished that while I was the primary music leader that I could have had the chance to speak or teach on the topic of music. Jill is the primary music leader now, so I just have to live vicariously through her.

2. What are 5 things you do every day without fail?

1. Wake up

2. Eat

3. Read

4. Go to the bathroom

5. Sleep

3. Would you prefer to live by the ocean or in the mountains?


4. What games did you play with your siblings when you were growing up?

The only game I remember playing with my siblings is Parcheesi. 

5. When was the last time you and your partner went on a date?

January 14 - we went to see A Man Called Otto with some friends, and then we ate at The Habit on the way home so I could redeem my free birthday burger!

6. Do you have any fond memories of camping with your family? 

Probably, but for some reason I can only recall horror stories. Like when I stepped in human feces (courtesy of one of my family members) in the woods or when my nose bled for two days straight, and we had to drive down the mountain to go to a small town ER where they stuck a tampon in my nose.

7. If you had an empty room, what are ten things you would add to it?

A comfy couch, a blanket, a good pillow, a TV, a puzzle table, a wreath, a clock, an outlet, a phone charger, and a stocked mini fridge.

8. Where’s your favorite place to write?

I honestly don’t care. I’ll write anywhere! But it’s always nice to have a good surface area to work on.

9. Do you prefer going out to eat alone or with other people?

Either way. Unless it’s a sit-down restaurant with a server - then I prefer to go with other people. 

10. What are your ten favorite movies?

I’m not prepared to answer this. I feel like it’s a huge commitment, so I’m just going to list ten movies I love in no particular order:

All the Harry Potters

Top Gun: Maverick

The Green Mile

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Giver

A Quiet Place

Benny and Joon

The Truman Show

Back to the Future

Lord of the Rings

11. How do you cope with stress and anxiety?

Stress: Procrastination and overeating.

Anxiety: Box breathing and 5-senses grounding (I also walk my kids through these often).

12. What do you usually have with toast?

A runny egg.

13. Write about one of your childhood friends.

I had a friend, let’s call her Bridget, whose mom was super strict. I always felt really uncomfortable at her house because of all the rules and routines they lived by. Everything was ridiculously clean, and there were rooms we weren’t allowed to go in. I felt like I was walking on egg shells there. 

Bridget and I haven’t been in touch in years (Facebook friendship aside), and I always wonder what kind of parent she ended up becoming. Is she like her mom? Or is she much more chill because of her mom?

14. What are some of the things you do when you procrastinate?

Freeze. I do nothing. I can’t get going.

15. Describe a typical Thursday.

Thursdays, for the past few years, have usually been pretty nice because we haven’t had any commitments on Thursdays. It feels like a recovery day after having all of our Monday through Wednesday chaos. 

16. What are three things you are thankful for right now?

My van, my dishwasher, and my bed.

17. Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go with your family?

I’d like to go to some Church history sites, but I’m really fine going anywhere! I just love to go! 

18. What currently inspires you?

Right now, I’m very inspired by this being the last year of my thirties. You might have picked up on this since I never shut up about it.

19. How did your grandparents make a living?

My grandmas were both homemakers. One of my grandpas worked for Union Pacific and the other worked for the water company. But both of them retired when I was young, so I never really knew them as employed workers. 

20. What is your favorite hour of the day and why?

Probably the first hour after my kids go to school because the day is still new, and I still ignorantly believe I’m going to carpe diem. 

21. How do you comfort your children when they are sad?

It depends on the child and the situation. Sometimes having a nice talk helps. If they don’t want to talk, I will sit by them and tickle their backs. Sometimes I give them space. I just try to do what’s needful for each situation. I suck at comforting people.

22. Has someone been kind to you recently?

Of course! 

Not too long ago, it was snowing, and I couldn’t see out my car window very well, and I pulled away from the curb at the school not realizing there was a truck coming, and I totally cut them off, and they didn’t even honk at me! I was so grateful for their mercy. Because I would have honked at me!

23. What happened at 1:00 pm today?

I made twelve people cram in the mothers’ room at church so we could have an object lesson in the dark. It smelled like diapers.

24. What are some things weighing on your heart right now?

Family things, my own weaknesses, and my worries about my children. 

25. Are there any habits you would like to develop?

I could really use some sort of exercise habit. I exercise… never. Like seriously never.

26. What do you like to snack on in the evenings?

Cereal or toast.

27. How are you feeling right now? 

Excited for a new week but bummed that my kids have dentist appointments tomorrow. I don’t want to check them out of school and back in again.

28. What is your favorite thing about Saturday afternoons right now?

Playing board games with Chad and Carlie at 4:00.

29. What are three things from this past month that have been challenging?

Scotty’s and my last living grandmas both died. 

I had a teacher give me negative feedback about one of my children that has left me very unsettled.

I keep making mistakes in the new board game we’ve been learning after we’re already two hours in.

30. What are you looking forward to next month?

Going to see Bluey Live! Hahahahaha!

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