Friday, September 30, 2022

Speed Round

I'm pleased to say that I posted everyday this month except for two. That's a pretty successful month-long writing challenge, if I do say so. Normally, I leave the remaining prompts untouched and move on with life, but this year, I'm going to speed-blog the remaining prompts.

Prompt #1: Go

I've mentioned that this school year involves a lot of driving. I'm really looking forward to having another driver in the house. I was originally going to put Nicky in private driver's ed, but then I decided we could wait the extra two months for him to take it in school and save some money. I regret that decision. Not just because of the extra two months, but also because it's such a waste of education time. I don't expect (or want) every class to be highly academic - some classes just need to be for enjoyment or for exploring interests - but Nicky's driver's ed class is a joke. We're six weeks into school, and he hasn't even gotten in a car.  

Prompt #12: Emotion

I'm having a lot of anger issues lately. I'm mad at everyone and everything, and it's not good. Hopefully I'm not showing it much, but I don't really know. I should probably ask the people around me (bless their poor souls). I've been keeping a mood log since going off my antidepressants, and things aren't looking good for me without meds, I guess, but I want to wait a little longer to rule out discontinuation symptoms as the explanation for my mood. I'd like to be off meds for 6-8 weeks before I decide what to do next. 

Prompt #18: Letter

When I write by hand (which isn't often anymore, and shamefully, my hand is "out of shape" when it comes to writing), there are some letters that aren't consistent in my handwriting. Sometimes I do a sharp 'Y' and sometimes I do a soft 'Y,' and when I switch back and forth from sharp to soft 'Y' in the same piece of writing, say, a thank you card, I get self-conscious and worry that some handwriting analyst is going to accuse me of being a serial killer. 

Prompt #26: Characteristic

Here are some characteristics I admire in other people:

  • Being a good listener
  • Remembering things about others
  • Making people feel at ease
  • Naturally loving people 
  • Being able to adapt quickly (go with the flow) and not get flustered
  • Knowing the right thing to say
  • Being brave enough to try new things

Prompt #27: Recipe

I had big dreams of actually cooking and sharing a family recipe for this post, and it just didn't work out. The recipe I hoped to share, I made for dinner the week before we left for Florida, and it didn't turn out. You know how you can cook the same thing successfully a hundred times, but the one time you cook it for someone else, something goes wrong? That's what happened. And I needed pictures! So I'll save it for another time. 

Prompt #30: Color

Scotty and Nicky have some sort of built-in radar in their bodies that helps them locate lost golf balls. Any time they step foot on a golf course, you can guarantee they'll leave with twenty golf balls or more. Because of this, we spent many years with golf balls stashed in all sorts of places in our home, garage, and vehicles. I finally got a little fed up with having golf balls everywhere (especially when they would roll around in the cars while I was driving), so I made a designated golf ball tote, and if I find golf balls out of the tote, they go in the garbage. 

(Now I need to make a rule that the lid has to fit on the tote, or I get to throw balls away because the bin currently overfloweth).

As annoying as the golf ball thing has been over the years, it's nice that my boys never have to buy golf balls. They sort them all the time and find their favorites. And I do enjoy the variety of colors!

Nicky recently came home with a purple golf ball, and I was captivated!

Prompt #31: Highlight

One of the highlights of our recent trip to Florida was being visited daily at our Vrbo by two sandhill cranes. 

In Utah, our larger birds (like pelicans) stay far away, so it was a really trippy experience to have giant birds walking right past our windows (they were about four feet tall). And the sounds they make? Definitely not something you wanna wake up to. But they were so fun to see, and we were excited every time they came!

There was one day we came back from Disney World and the cranes were on the neighbor's lawn, and one of them was picking up something with its beak and throwing it in the air over and over. It was playing, and it was hysterical! And then they made their freaky noises, and I was like, "Get inside kids! They might be murderous!"

Prompt #34: Accessory 

In my current phase of life, I've pretty much ditched all fashion accessories. I use a purse for practical reasons, and I wear earrings maybe twice a month and a necklace maybe once a month. I haven't worn a wedding ring since the first year of marriage because my fingers got bigger, and I never got it sized. My most-used accessory is probably the almighty scrunchie. I'm so glad scrunchies have made their way back into society because they are so much easier to get in and out of my hair than elastic hair ties, and I feel like they do less damage. 


With that, I will bid adieu to September. 

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