Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Greater Liking

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #16:


We all have preferences - a greater liking of one thing over another. In most cases, I don’t dislike the alternative, I just have a preference when given a choice. Keep that in mind because I’m about to tell you some of my personal preferences, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m insulting your preferences if yours are different. I’ve been a little sensitive about that lately, as I feel like I can’t say I like something without hearing about why someone else doesn’t like that thing. I’m trying to be less of a contributor to such conversations, and yet, here I go with a list of my own preferences:

I prefer thin slices of pizza. Whenever I'm taking a piece of pizza, I always go for the narrowest one. I think they're easier to eat, and if there are multiple kinds of pizza, thinner slices allow me to enjoy more variety before I'm full. Whenever we have Papa Murphy's, I always cut the pieces really narrow. When we have pre-cut pizza, like Little Caesar's, I will very often cut the pieces in half.

I prefer to only take carry-ons when we fly. We’ve been on week-long cruises and ten-day vacations and have never checked luggage. 

I prefer weather between 45-65 degrees. I'm in my happy place when there's a slight chill in the air, and I have no problem being outside in 45 degrees (unless it's windy or raining). 

You will never see me in a shirt like this

I prefer watching everything with subtitles. I love going to captioned movies at the theater - a rare treat! 

I prefer hot food to be one degree short of burning my mouth and cold food to be one degree away from freezing. I'm an advocate for properly chilled sodas and potluck salads. 

I prefer to sleep with three pillows, and whenever possible, I bring at least one of my own pillows to hotels. 

I prefer driving a van over an SUV. I really like the automatic sliding doors. The day my kids stopped door dinging other cars in the parking lot was a day my life changed for the better! I've always liked vans and have never thought of them as uncool. To me, practicality is the ultimate form of coolness. 

Our van at the beach with a bird on top

I prefer to wear shoes in my house. I know this is highly unpopular, but it's how I roll. I kick off my shoes to lounge on the couch, and then I put them back on if I get up and walk around (usually I wear flip flops or hard-soled slippers). 

I prefer white bread. I like wheat bread just fine, but when I eat a sandwich on white bread, I’m always like, “Oh my heck! White bread is so stinkin’ good!” Also, I prefer to buy Dunford white bread, and I always struggle when we go out of state, and the stores don’t have Dunford.

I prefer camping in a tent to camping in a trailer. I don’t really have any desire to own a camp trailer, and when people invite me to sleep in their trailers, I’m not really interested. I like my air mattress, my sleeping bag, and a chill in the air.

A few years ago I bought this cabin-style tent. 
It’s great for tall people, and it has lights inside.

I prefer to stay in a hotel rather than camp when we go to National Parks. 

I prefer to pay full admission to go somewhere on a non-crowded day over fighting crowds on a discount or free entry day. 

I prefer to not leave my house after 7:00 pm. Evening events are hard for me. I just want to be in my stretchy pants in my own home. 

I prefer crunchy peanut butter. I'm not loyal to a brand, though. 

I prefer Coke to Pepsi (but let’s not kid anyone, I’ll drink Pepsi just fine!)

I prefer to say "intristing" rather than "in-ter-est-ing." This is a conscious decision I made after watching this video several years ago. 


Now tell me, do we share any preferences, or am I alone in my strange ways?

2 comments: said...

Thin pizza yes
Hot food/cold food is a must
Minivans are king
Shoes in the house always
White bread is life...
and how did you ever get a movie theater with subtitles because that is the stuff my dreams are made of!

Sus said...

I'd never given some of these things a second thought. lol If I'm hungry I want a big slice of pizza, if I'm getting full I'll go for a smaller one.

I wear shoes in the house a lot, but not always. I like going barefoot at home.

I like white bread and I like wheat bread, too. My favorite bread is Harper's Homemade Bran.

I've never seen subtitles in a movie theater, so I wouldn't even know to hope for them.

I'm happy with just about any brand of peanut butter and like both smooth and crunchy.

I love trailer camping. No tent for me! A camper feels like luxury.

I never check luggage if I can get by without it. I've done a week long cruise and a 10 day vacation with just a carry-on.

My happy place is between 50 and 90 degrees. We spend winters in St. George and I've become acclimated to warmer weather.

I only sleep with one pillow. My husband took his with us to a hotel once and forgot it, which was enough to convince not ever to do that again.

I'm a Diet Pepsi girl.

Minivans, though? I absolutely agree. I love, love, love Minivans. My favorite, as well, is the sliding doors. I love the room they have, too, for hauling things and people.

This was fun and interesting . . . and I say intristing, too.