Sunday, September 20, 2020

I Got Frills

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #24:


When I was coming up with the list of words to use as prompts for this month-long writing challenge, the word "frill" came to mind. It seemed like a good option, so I added it to the list. Then I thought, "I better make sure I know what 'frill' means." 

Do you ever do that? Use a word but then look it up just to make sure you know what you're talking about?

So "frill"...

According to Oxford Languages it can mean:

1. a strip of gathered or pleated material sewn by one side onto a garment of larger piece of material as a decorative edging or ornament

2. an unnecessary extra feature or embellishment  

Since my my mom no longer sews my clothes for me, I don't have many gathered pleats of decorative material in my life, but I probably have a few unnecessary extra features. 

Take, for example, one of the newest frills to come into my life: 


Scotty and I have had very few pieces of furniture that haven't been hand-me-downs or home-made, so buying a couch for our basement was a big deal. Because of the nature of our stairwells, we had to be really particular about the couch. There weren't very many options that could fit. So finding this couch at Costco was a blessing and a miracle! It fit our space (with very little room to spare), and it came in six pieces, which meant we could actually get it into our basement! AND!!! It wasn't thousands of dollars. Well... I mean... it technically was thousands of dollars, but not as many thousands of dollars as the couches we had been looking at from other stores. 

We bought the couch at the beginning of this year. We weren't ready for it, but since furniture season at Costco comes and goes quickly, we figured we'd be wise to snatch it while they had one in stock. 

The couch in our truck - quite the sight
in the parking lot

We stored it in our garage for six months. It wasn't fun. But at the same time, it felt good to know that we had our couch.

The couch came with three motorized recliners. I've never wanted motorized recliners because I don't have the patience to wait for them to open and close, and I never wanted to worry about plugging the couch in. Luckily, Scotty, in his enthusiasm for all things electrical, wired at least ten plugs in our small family room, allowing us to plug in our couch without drama. 

Now, not only do we have motorized recliners (which I still don't have the patience for, but somehow I manage)... we also have USB ports and outlets in our couch. 

I know we're behind on the times, and this stuff has been around for several years, but dang! What a frill! I can plug stuff into my couch! 

And I don't exactly hate it. 

That's the thing with frills... once you have them, you can't go back!

So here I am living the high life. I currently have my feet propped up on the recliner with my computer on my lap. And of course, that computer is plugged in to the couch because I got frills. 

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