Saturday, August 22, 2020

September Writing Challenge

I usually do some sort of writing challenge in the month of September. Last year I came up with my own, and I really enjoyed it, so I'm going to do it again this year. In 2019, rather than having a particular prompt for each day of the month, I made a list of 35 prompts to choose from, and I posted (almost) every day according to the prompt that I felt inspired by. This gave me some flexibility about when to use each prompt, and it also gave me leeway to ditch a few prompts. 

I have to admit, I feel a little uneasy making a month-long commitment this year. Twenty-twenty has definitely changed the way I look to and plan for the future. It's weird to anticipate what I might be blogging about thirty days from now when I'm just trying to tackle this day. But dabbling in the "normal" has it's perks, so I'm going for it!

Here's the list I came up with for this year:

  1. Age
  2. Quiet
  3. Boredom Busting
  4. Goodness
  5. Mood
  6. Answer
  7. Learn
  8. Play
  9. Organize
  10. Change
  11. Weakness
  12. Yesterday
  13. Simplicity
  14. Inspired
  15. Date Night
  16. Animal
  17. Throwback
  18. Tradition
  19. Perspective
  20. Outdoors
  21. Balance
  22. Success
  23. Around the House
  24. Frill
  25. Eat
  26. Create
  27. Pause
  28. List
  29. Read
  30. Friendship
  31. Awe
  32. Place
  33. Oops!
  34. On the Go
  35. Thrifty

Feel free to join me, if you wish, by using my list or creating your own! If you don't have a blog, you can easily participate via social media. You could even make it a photo challenge (two of my friends did this last year on instagram). I love seeing different people's takes on each prompt. 

1 comment:

Mama B said...

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I love when you do this! I wish I could do it on instagram or soemthing but I'm just not creative enough to come up with anything. I look at the list and there are like two prompts that I can think of something for. I am always so impressedto see where you go with each post.