Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Currently {September 2020 Edition}

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #28:



Buying: nothing. This week I made a goal to stay within a $20 grocery budget. Stay strong, Britt!

Missing: going to movies. 

Craving: Bun Gi Yaw (#58) from Thai Delight (I'll have to wait for a week when I'm not committed to a $20 food budget). 

Procrastinating: making an appointment for the dermatologist. There's just something so unappealing about scheduling a time to go show all my weird body things to another human being. 

Playing: Wingspan. It's still a favorite around here. 

And my awesome sister-in-law surprised us with a copy of Elizabeth Hargrave's new game, Mariposas. How spoiled are we? I read through the rules last night, and I’m so excited to give it a whirl.

Loving: having the kids in school. It has been so refreshing to go back to a routine. I'm treading carefully, though, because it could change at any moment. I don't want to get "comfortable." 

Last Friday was a little traumatic. I didn't think it would be a big deal having the kids home on Fridays, but when they all woke up by 6:30 and I found myself having to break up their fights and keep them busy all day, I felt quite resentful. I was talking to some other moms about it, and they expressed the same thing. They said Friday felt like it triggered some sort of PTSD from March. 

What's it going to feel like if/when all the kids get sent home from school again? Eek!

Listening to: 

Wearing: cut-off jeans and a Hamilton t-shirt.

Hoping to: get everyone's bedding washed today.

Finishing: gardening season. I've been removing a few plants each week, so I'm slowly closing up shop. I just have some carrots, a cucumber plant, a pumpkin vine, and a couple of summer squash plants left. 


Eating: double chocolate zucchini muffins. I made a triple batch on Monday and still ended up feeding half my zucchini to the chickens. My freezer is full of a variety of zucchini muffins. 

Feeling: tired. I've mentioned a lot lately how tired I am. It hasn't gotten any better. I am still napping every day. 

Wanting: a new dishwasher. I'm starting to save up for one now. But our blender just died last week, and I want to replace it with a Blendtec, so I'm also saving up for that. Scotty doesn't like my idea of taking out a $25,000 line of credit to go on a shopping spree. Sometimes he's no fun.

Looking forward to: Labor Day weekend. We are hoping to get out and have some fun, but I have this underlying fear that we'll all come down with corona by Friday. 

Wishing for: self-cleaning ceiling fans. I feel like dust shouldn't be able to settle on ceiling fans. Especially on the underside! Darn mutant dust defying gravity and all. It goes against all logic. 

Enjoying: the cooler weather. It brings relief to my soul. My bed has been so comfortable these past few nights. I haven't woken up with my hair plastered to my sweaty neck, and I've actually been able to snuggle in a blanket. Oh the joy! 

Grateful for: my kids' teachers. They have been so great! 


Anonymous said...

Our school is doing a hybrid schedule so my kids only go to school twice a week. I get what you're saying about Fridays. I have that feeling on the days my kids do e-learning.

Mama B said...

That last comment was me!