Monday, October 31, 2016

Roll Call!

On this, the final day of October, the 31 day writing challenge comes to an end. I made it 30/31 days. If I were being graded, that would be a 97, and that's 'A' work. I'm pretty happy with that.

I thought that now would be a good time to do two things:

#1. Review my goals for blogging

#2. Guilt trip you into commenting

Review my goals for blogging.

As a blogger, I've always had some unofficial guidelines I've tried to abide by. They've adapted over the years as society and culture have changed, but there are a few things I'd like to always have as standards here.

1. I write because I enjoy it. If this ever changes, I need to have the courage to move on. (It's been 11 years since I started blogging, and I'm still here, so don't worry).

2. I never want this to be a place of contention.

3. I will not be ashamed of my faith or my beief system.

4. I will try to be an influence for good.

5. I will always "keep it real." I want my readers to be able to come here and laugh, to read my words and feel relieved, and to never perceive me as fake or intimidating.

6. I will not write negatively about my body (don't mistake writing "matter of factly" with writing negatively, I think there's a difference).

I do not live this creed perfectly, but I do my best! This will be my go-to post for when I need a reminder.

Guilt trip you into commenting

Okay, so we all know commenting isn't the "thing" anymore. I'm guilty, too. It's so much work, with our modern-day luxuries, to type words in a comment box on a blog post. 

I get it, I really do.

But here's the thing, I like to know you're here. It keeps me going! So just this once (and perhaps annually for the rest of time), I'm going to ask you for validation. 

So I'll give you some options.

You can comment "roll call" style and simply say, "Here!" (You don't even have to use capitalization or an explanation point - see how easy I'm making this)?

Or you can answer this question:  If you were going to give a TED talk, what would your subject be? 

Hmmm..... I'm not sure I laid the guilt on thick enough, but in all honesty, I don't think I have to. Because I know how awesome you are, and you don't need any of that guilt nonsense (is this a manipulative tactic right here)?


Rachael said...

Oh I am here! Now go back to bed it is too early.

Sus said...

LOL. I'm here . . . and I've actually commented a couple of times. ;)

KaLee said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know what Ted talks are.

misguidedmommy said...

Ted talk on why people cannot put the toilet paper facing the right direction.
Misguided Mommy is here

Anonymous said...


Taylor said...

Here - Always have been, always will be. Bloggers for life.

Ted Talk on raising a twin-less twin.

And I wasn't tardy - I tried posting this in the morning but I swear smart phones sole purpose is to abolish blog comments. Now I am posting from Blake's account because I am too lazy to log-in as another loser - he LOVES when I do stuff like this ;)

Lindz said...

I miss the commenting aspect and interaction of blogging! I'm here and have been a long time 😊

Anonymous said...

Here again. Also, the anticipation over your costume is killing me!! #helpamomwithzerocreativityout

Jana Lyn said...

Here, and I don't think I have anything Ted talk worthy, but I'm sure grateful for those who can use words so well and touch many lives doing it in the process.

BerlyCrow said...

I'm always here. But considering that I always read you on my phone and rarely remember my password, just know that I have lots and lots of comments, it's just too hard. Come on blogspot! Touch ID already!

Anonymous said...

Here! And I Always enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for doing it.

Rhiana said...

here! my ted talk would be about normalizing the human experience- from the gross stuff bodies do to talking about sex (so it isn't taboo), to the struggles and dark thoughts each of us have.

Anonymous said...


beth said...

Here. Late but here.

Melanie Bell said...

I'm here! I forget to read blogs, so I only stop by every once in a while, but I always try to read back as far as I can. I love your writing style. The more "real" the better. I always think I'll revive my blog, but so far it's not happening. As for a Ted talk, I'm not a great public speaker. I'd have a hard time holding anyone's interest. ;)

Amy Sorensen said...

I'm totally late, but I am here. Which is a pretty good summary of my whole freaking life if I'm honest.

Dare I confess: being famous enough to be asked to give a TED talk is a dream of mine. A secret dream I don't think I've ever told anyone. ;) I would talk about why we need poetry in the world, and there would be a whole bunch of kick-ass (can I say that here?) poetry snippets and a discussion about how finding your own little collection of poems that make you feel known in the world is a way of feeling...well, known in the world.

But that summary is probably proof of why I'll never be asked to give a TED talk or, if I was, why mine would be the least-listened-to-TED-talk-of-all-time.

Yay for comments. Seriously love ya Britt!

Feisty Harriet said...

I'd love to give a TED talk on Mitochondrial-DNA...and I'd like to be conversant enough in the subject to be able to give a TED talk about it. M-DNA is a little packet of DNA code that is passed down from mother to child, carried through generations ONLY by daughters, and only mutates once every 10,000 years or so. When babies are formed, the sperm and egg each contribute parts to the fetus DNA, so it's truly a mix of mother and father. But M-DNA is solely from the mother, sperm does not have mitochondria. To date, there are only about 30 different strains of M-DNA on the entire planet, meaning, 30 ancestral mothers who lived anywhere from 10,000 to 150,000 years ago, which scientists can figure out based on how many mutations are in the DNA code. The mother of us all? Her name is Mitochondrial Eve.

Hashtag: Heart Eyes
Hashtag: Nerd


Amy said...

I'm here!

I just read everything in my feed reader when I can and I get here ridiculously late. I feel odd commenting on posts that are over two weeks old. :p

Miss L said...

I'm here and thrilled you are still blogging. Just saying.