Thursday, October 27, 2016

Phone Woes

Last night my phone took a dunk in the toilet.

This isn't the first time I've dropped my phone in the potty, but it's the first time for this particular phone. I don't remember if I've mentioned it here on the blog, but in the spring, my trusty old Blackberry died (yes, that would be the spring of this current year... 2016), and I got an iPhone.

Quick side story: every time I went to the dentist, I would get my Blackberry out and set it next to me while I was in the chair in case my babysitter tried to reach me, and every time my young, trendy hygienist saw my phone, she would comment about how cute it was that I still used a Blackberry. I was really excited when I went to the dentist last month, and I got to say, "Surprise! Look what I have!"

Part of the reason I kept the Blackberry so long was because I knew once I upgraded, my phone would become a life line, and I wanted to avoid that as long as possible. I don't like the idea of being dependent on my phone, but at the same time, my phone has really enhanced my life. It's my alarm clock, it's my camera, it's my music source, it's my flashlight, and I even have my textbook for Family and Community Relations on my phone. My phone is extremely useful, and I never use it for frivolous things like making funny videos of myself or texting poop memes to my friends... ahem...

Anyway, I'm doing the trusty old rice thing, and in the mean time, since I don't have access to my reminders, I need someone to come knock on my door at 12:50 and remind me that my kids get out of school early today. How am I supposed to remember anything without my phone?!?

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