Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hashtags I Missed

Since I didn't keep up with my hashtag posts, today I thought I'd do some of the ones I missed...

When I have a parking voucher on my dashboard and my belly honks the horn when I'm trying to lean forward to retrieve it. #makesmemad

As a teen, I met some boys at the ice rink. I told them I was a hockey player, and any time they called me to invite me to do something, I told them I couldn't go because I was practicing for the Olympics. #mydumblie

I've been waiting 12 years for skinny jeans to go away. #thereisaidit

I always rush my children into bigger diaper sizes because bigger diapers can hold more. #dontjudgeme

One time, one of our rabbits escaped into the neighbor's yard. She came over and made me give a full description of the rabbit before she would return it. I said it was brown, and she said, "Are you sure it's not gold?" #myweirdneighbor

My brother wears a kilt. Rumor has it that there's nothing on underneath. I'm not going to question this. #mysiblingisweird

I don't like reading to my kids. #myparentfail

One of my friends and I have matching mugs that say "Poop buddies forever." #myweirdfriend

"Finish your fries or you can't have any pizza." Yes. I said that. #momquotes

Rachael, I miss you! #hadtodoit


KaLee said...

I love the neighbor one! I snorted on my couch when I read it.

Rachael said...

You made my week and it is only Sunday. Thanks for helping me through my sorrows.