Thursday, November 9, 2023

73 Vogue Questions

I don’t know what makes these questions “vogue,” but let’s have a go at it! I’m having a lazy day (see #49), so it’s only appropriate that I curl up in a blanket on the couch and write about myself. 

1. What’s your favorite time of day?

I enjoy mornings most of the time, but really, I just love any time of day when I have just finished something productive, and I get to feel totally awesome for a bit.

2. What’s your biggest weakness?


I only want true stuff, though. 

3. How do you relax?

Read, play Wingspan on my phone, or watch a show.

4. What is most important to you?


5. Do you believe in God?


6. What inspires you?

This question is so broad - I don’t really know how to answer it. I find inspiration when I take time to study, whether it’s gospel study or secular learning, and through giving my mind some quiet time. 

Also… let’s be honest… Pinterest and thrift shopping. 

7. What three things can you not live without?

Family, food, phone.

8. How do you describe yourself in three words?

Resourceful, creative, and hungry.

9. What do you notice when you first meet someone?

Reciprocity in conversation. 

10. What are your friends like?

They are the greatest. They are good people who are trying their best, and they are a lot of fun. 

11. What is a song you love right now?

I’ll go with the one currently stuck in my head - “I Had a Vision” from Bright Star.

12. What is your favorite book?

13. What are you scared of? 

Not being able to breathe.

14. How many kids do you want?

Four sounds good.

15. What’s your favorite flower?

Poppies & sunflowers. So weeds, basically.

16. Tea or coffee?

Cola, hot chocolate, and orange juice.

17. If you could play any instrument what would it be?

Piano would be my first and most practical choice. But if I can dream big, I’m also going to need to play the fiddle and the harmonica. Like, hardcore. 

18. What’s your favorite holiday?


19. What places do you want to visit?

I’m weird, and I don’t have any dream destinations. Earth is cool. I’ll just try to enjoy anywhere I get to go. 

20. What are your must-have beauty products?

Um… soap?

21. Favorite thing about yourself?

I love to learn, and I’m usually pretty observant. 

22. What was the name of your first pet?


23. What are your favorite apps on your phone?

The ones that order food.

24. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Here but almost 50. 

25. Who is your favorite director?

Am I supposed to have an opinion on this?

How about my friend, Krystle? She’s directing Sherlock the Musical.

26. Which three famous people would you invite for tea?

Terry, Bindi, and Robert Irwin.

27. Who are your favorite designers?


28. What is your favorite scent?

One of my favorites is honeysuckle. 

29. Which person would you ask 73 questions to?

Almost anyone. I like asking people questions. 

There are just a few people I wouldn’t want to ask because they never stop talking anyway, and I don’t need to give them more reasons to yak. 

30. What is your favorite thing to eat?

A runny egg (laid by our chickens) and toast. 

31. What was your favorite movie as a kid?

Robin Hood, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Man of the House, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Jurassic Park. 

32. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?

I don’t have such a movie in my life. 

33. What is your favorite thing to wear?

Stretchy pants and a sweatshirt.

34. What is your dream job?

Okay, are you ready for this? My dream job would be a therapist who does hair (think of it - getting your hair done by a licensed therapist! I feel like this is something the world needs). But also a choreographer, author, and set designer. The set designing dream is new, and I’m still exploring it. But I have loved helping with the sets at the high school these past three years. 

35. What movie can you watch over and over?

None. I get sick of them. Even ones I love. I like to take 5-10 year breaks in between. This makes my husband sad because he’s always like “Let’s watch [insert name of movie]!” and I’m like, “No! We just watched that!” (…three years ago). So he watches all the Christmas movies with the kids while I do puzzles.

36. What’s the coolest thing in the world?

Nature. That covers the very coolest things. 

37. What are your favorite three albums?


38. Sweet or savory?

Both, please!

39. Cats or dogs?


I know. But it’s true.

40. Who is your favorite actress? 

Maybe Emma Thompson. 

41. What concert do you want to go to?

I would love to see Derek Hough’s show. Does that count as a concert? Probably not. But that’s my answer. 

42. What TV show are you currently watching?

Lessons in Chemistry, Offspring, One Tree Hill, and Sullivan’s Crossing. 

43. What’s your biggest fear? 

Personality-altering TBIs. 

44. Who is your favorite female singer?

Questions like this stress me out because I feel like it’s a huge commitment to crown a person as a “favorite” anything. What if I change my mind? What if that person does something totally dirt-baggy someday? 

Also, I don’t really have one.

45. Who is your favorite male singer?

Ugh! No!

46. Do you like cooking and baking?

Yes!! Very much so!

47. What song lyrics are stuck in your head right now?

“I always have, always will, always, always, always will.” 

48. What’s the last text you sent?

49. Describe your lazy days:

Oh, you mean today? 

I wear comfy clothes, erase my to do list, and decide that anything I accomplish is “extra credit.” 

50. What does your name mean?

It doesn’t really “mean” anything. It’s derived from the French region of Bretagne. 

Mostly it’s the name of the bratty girls in teen dramas. There is never a nice girl on TV named Brittany. It’s always the mean girls who are named Brittany. 

I guess it’s an appropriate name for me because I am a brat. 

51. What hobbies will you never give up?

Never say never. 

But probably reading and writing.

52. What makes you mad?

Oh, boy. That’s a can of worms. I’m only going to choose two:

1. When people block the aisle of the grocery store

2. When people run red lights

53. Which song would you like to hear to be happy?

“Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.

54. What’s your favorite word in English?

It’s a swear word, so I’m not going to say it.

55. What are the top three things on your bucket list?

I’ve been told that my bucket list isn’t very impressive. 

1. Pay off our house

2. Write a book

3. Take my kids on a cruise

56. What are the best shoes you’ve ever owned?


57. When do you get creative?

Whenever I feel like it. 

58. Any adventurous thing you want to do?


The only adventurous thing I do is go to Walmart without a bra.

59. Optimistic or pessimistic?


But probably a little more pessimistic.

60. What is something from your childhood that you still have?

A doll cradle.

61. What’s something funny you’ve seen online today?

62. What do you wish your phone could do?

Diagnose sickness and mental illness with a simple scan.

It would go like this;

“BEEP! [In robot voice] Scan shows that you have depression and the hantavirus.”

63. Diamonds or pearls?

Diamonds. But ultimately, I don’t care.

64. What’s something you can’t do?

Spell aloud very well. Oh, how I hate when my kids ask me how to spell something. I have to write it.

65. What do you usually eat for breakfast? 

Eggs and toast. 

66. What’s your favorite color?


67. What’s a useless fact you know?

Donny Osmond’s favorite Christmas song is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” by Andy Williams. 

68. What’s your advice for people?

Wait before you react. Give things time to settle. Sleep on it. 

69. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Ben and Jerry’s chunky monkey and Dreyer’s rocky road. My rule with rocky road is it needs to have actual marshmallows and NOT marshmallow cream. 

70. Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?

I like both, but I like milk a little better.

71. What is your favorite fruit?

Fresh peaches and pineapple.

72. Vintage or new?


73. Who is your favorite superhero? 

It used to be Wolverine, but I’m mad at Hugh Jackman right now, so I’m kind of lost superhero-wise. 

1 comment: said...

This was the best.

Come try my rocky road - it's got real mallows!