Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I’m craving breadsticks (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: My husband’s legs and arms are always covered in scratches and scabs. From the look of him, you would think he spends a significant amount of time roaming the backwoods and cutting his own path. I always ask him where he gets these owies from, and he never knows! 

Fact #2: Nicky is the same. Today I saw a scab on his leg and asked, “Is that part of your old scratch, or is that a new one?” He then pointed to part of the scab and said, “This is my old scratch that I reopened, but this part is new.”

I asked, “How’d you get the new one?”

He said, “I don’t know.”

Help me out here, friends. Do your husbands and/or sons have this problem, too? Scotty works a desk job and Nicky plays on his phone all day. What’s with all the open wounds? 

Fact #3: Any time I see a social media post that states, “I don’t know who need to hear this, but…” my first thought is, “Not me!” And then I skip right over it. I refuse to be the one that needed to hear it.

Fact #4: I think I respond the same way to "In case no one has told you lately..." 

I'm like... you don't even know me! Don't be telling me anything

Fact #5: Things I didn’t buy at DI today:

Fact #6: Last week I derailed and drank a Dr. Pepper after being soda sober for the entirety of 2023. With that regrettable mistake, I decided I wanted a fountain vanilla coke the next day, so I went to Maverik to seek my indulgence. To my dismay, vanilla coke had been removed from the fountain! I was devastated! Then I realized... it happened because of me. Why would Maverik get rid of vanilla coke? Obviously it's because I stopped drinking it! 

I never knew I had such power!

Fact #7: My cereal cupboard currently looks like this:

Follow me for more pantry organization tips!

Fact #8: This week has me all out of whack. I don't know what day it is. My normal routine is out the window. I haven't re-centered myself yet from vacation and girls camp. Half my family is gone for the week, and I'm tired. I hope I can get back on track and be a functional person next week. 

Fact #9: I was going to cut back on electronic use in our home this summer. Here’s how that’s going:

Fact #10: Is it time for Mission Impossible yet? I need a Tom Cruise and buttered popcorn fix.

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