Thursday, June 15, 2023

20 things

1. A recent picture of you


Just keeping it real with my crazy summer hair and my Chinese food.

2. The meaning behind your blog name

My name is Britt, and I am fluent in Brittish

3. A picture of your animals

They don't appreciate the photo op. They're too busy indulging in kitchen scraps. 

4. Favorite super hero and why


Because Hugh Jackman.

5. A picture of somewhere you’ve been

I hope you weren' expecting anywhere more exotic than Costco.

6. A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Donuts & Deli... my favorite! This batch was hot and fresh.

7. A picture of someone or something that has had an impact on you

8. Short term goals for the month

Survive girls’ camp.

9. Something you’re proud of from the past week

Keeping my wits about me while preparing a sacrament meeting talk, having kids home from school, prepping for girls’ camp, and getting ready to leave on vacation.

10. Songs you listen to when you need to get hyped up

11. A picture of you with friends

12. Why you started a blog

I was bored at work.

13. A nickname you have

Britt the Sh*t

14. A picture of something that makes you happy

15. What makes you different from everyone else

I don’t like swimming. 

16. Something you crave a lot

Coke. But I haven’t had any since New Year’s Eve. 

17. Three books from your bookshelf

How about five instead? Despite what you may think, I don't actually own a lot of books. 

18. Something you’ve learned in the past month

I can handle a lot if I stay ahead of the game and get things done early. I can’t function if I wait until the last minute.

19. Something you love doing

20. One of your character strengths

Maybe I'm creative?

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