Saturday, June 17, 2023

Seriously with the Eddies

As you’ve probably noticed, I really enjoy reading. It’s not unheard of for me to read about three books a week, but since my kids have been out of school, I haven’t read a single book! Time is not the issue, though.* It’s focus. My kids turn my mind to mush! 

Prior to summer break, however, I was keeping a log of common things I was finding in the books I read. You see, there are always things that carry over from one book to the next, and I’ve always thought it was a pretty funny phenomenon. I remember once I read three books in a row (unintentionally, of course) that had characters named Nina. I never would have thought a character named Nina would be a reason for me to not finish a book, but by the third one, I just couldn’t read another Nina book, so I quit and put it back on my “to read” list for another time.

Here are the last 8 books I’ve finished and some of the connections from book to book:

The Choice by Eva Eger: Auschwitz survivor, danced for Mengele

The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jakur: Auschwitz survivor, mentions Mengele, author goes by Eddie in English

Miller’s Valley by Anna Quindlen: character named Tommy

Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls: character named Tom, character named Eddie, character named Sallie, character named Nell

Ghosted by Rosie Walsh: character named Eddie, character named Tommy

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center: girl working with a bunch of men hasn’t hugged anyone in a long time, character with last name Callahan

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes: girl working with a bunch of men hasn’t hugged anyone in a long time

Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kegan: character named Sally, character named Nell, character named Eddie, and character with last name Callahan

Interesting, isn’t it? And what’s with the Eddies? Never in my life have I been exposed to so many Eddies in such a short amount of time. Eddie has far surpassed Nina! 

Does this happen to anyone else?

*Here’s a post I wrote about how I fit in reading time.

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