Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Draft Week: Post #4 "Teens and Me"

Welcome to Day Four of Draft Week. Not to be confused with anything regarding the NFL. We don't care about that around here.

Here's another post dug from my draft folder. This one comes from October 20 of last year.


Right now, teenagers are kind of central to my life. I have two of my own, and then I work with the teenage girls in my Church. As time goes on, I realize more and more that they do not think I'm cool. Now, please understand that I don't expect them to think I'm cool in the way they think their peers are cool - the "coolness" I seek is of the "pretty fly for a white guy" variety. I just wanna be cool for a person of a former generation

But they are not amused by me. 

Actual footage of me trying to convince teens that I have anything to offer

The things I think they will like - they don't. The things I think they will think are funny - they don’t. 

The other day, I took some teenagers to Wendy's (my treat), and I was all, "Heck yeah! 4 for $4's for everyone!" and I was expecting them to be like, "Yes!!! 4 for $4's!!!" but instead, they're all, "I just want nuggets!" and I was like, "But for only $2 more, you can have nuggets, and a cheeseburger and fries and a drink!" and they were like:

So I was like, "Okay... I'm still getting 4 for $4's for everyone, and I'll take 3 of your 4's, and ya'll can have your little box-o-nuggets."

I ate a lot of burgers and fries that day.

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