Sunday, November 29, 2020

Weekend Highlights (with masks)

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Things started off pretty rough with the kids home from school on Tuesday, but it shaped up to be a great holiday. Chaos and all!

On Wednesday, my mother-in-law asked if my kids could come to her house and help her decorate for Christmas. My response was, "YES! PLEASE!" We haven't seen many friends or family lately as we've gone into another version of "quarantine." I realized I really needed my kids to go with their Grandma. They ended up spending the day at her house (with masks) putting up her Christmas decorations and watching movies. They also went on a donut run, and they got to go to Ab's for lunch because Grandma says that when you work really hard, you need to go to Ab's afterward. 

While the kids were gone, I got to go do some Christmas shopping and have lunch with my friend, Shannon (with masks). We hit a few stores and ate at Zupa's. We didn't buy these holiday outfits, but we might live to regret it.

A day with Shannon was exactly what my heart needed. 

On Thursday, we had our Thanksgiving meal at 1:00 (with masks) then spent the rest of the day doing puzzles, watching movies, and eating leftovers.

We finished these Haunted Mansion puzzles -
four puzzles with 500 pieces each

Derek Hough is everything

Leftovers for days

On Friday morning I went for a walk with Shannon. My mother-in-law offered to have my kids over again (with masks), so Scotty and I went on a date to check out Allen Park - aka: "Hobbitville" (with masks). Then we came home and watched Secret Window while I started wrapping Christmas presents. 


After the kids came home, Daisy and I went over to my mom's house (with masks) and helped put up some of her Christmas decorations. We also went through a bunch of her old, tarnished jewelry and cleaned it up - which was far more fun than one might think. 

My mom sent this little guy home with me -
this was our Christmas countdown from my childhood

On Saturday, we had a busy morning. Scotty and I went to the store (with masks) and bought some stuff for breakfast sandwiches. We had a hankerin'! Then we came home and cooked and ate. After breakfast we got a lot of stuff done around the house, and Scotty put up some Christmas lights outside. I made a pie and a casserole to put away for dinner later. Then Scotty and I took Zoe shopping (with masks) for new scriptures and a CTR ring in honor of her upcoming baptism (with masks). 

At 2:00 we went to Chad and Carlie's house and played games for hours and hours. We haven't seen them in weeks, and we were suffering! I wanted to just run into their arms and sob, but ya know... COVID and stuff. We played Princes of Florence, Wingspan, Love Letter, 7 Wonders, Monopoly Deal, and Cover Your Assets. We also tried out our new game, Azul.

On Sunday we had scones for breakfast and watched church on Zoom. Then we watched a movie and worked on a puzzle. Scotty had a meeting at 11:30 while I fixed lunch for everyone (still riding the Thanksgiving leftover train) and taught Nicky and Daisy how to play Azul. 

We had another Zoom meeting at 1:00 and afterward, we went to see Scotty's dad's new house (with masks). My in-laws moved while we were in California. We stayed at their house for a while, and Scotty got their TV and Nintendo working, but we left them with a broken couch. We came home and had a cheese-themed dinner: nachos, quesadillas, and mac & cheese. At that point, we were just aiming for anything "not turkey."

Scotty and I played Azul and Bohnanza with the kids, and everyone had a bath or shower. Then, finally, at the end of a long and wonderful week, we tucked everyone into bed... two or three times... and crashed. Or at least Scotty crashed. I laid in bed for a while and then went tip-toeing around the house with my flashlight looking for a laptop. Which brings me to this moment wherein I am sitting in my favorite place on my couch, snuggled under a blanket, feeling pretty happy with life. 

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