Monday, November 16, 2020

For the Sake of Writing

While the big kids are at school, Eva can be a bit needy. She doesn't entertain herself well. Today is such a day. Eva wants a lot of attention. I've fed her twice today, and then we made a gratitude turkey and did some schoolwork. Then I played a really long card game with her (we basically just took SkipBo cards and built stacks of cards in numerical order). I taught her how to use a calculator (her mind was blown), and now she is sitting three feet away from me playing with Nicky's Imaginext toys (I miss buying toys for little boys). On top of all that, she's already watched over an hour of TV, and it's not even lunch time yet. 

I guess my point here is to say that I'm hoping the Batman and firefighter figures keep her busy long enough for me to write a quick blog post. Sometimes I feel like writing, but I don't have a plan or anything to say. I just need to do it! A lot of unfinished posts end up in my draft folder that way. Today, though, I'm going to pull a writing prompt from my Pinterest board. 

This one is a list of journal prompts for the month of May. 

(It's not May - oh my rebellious soul!)

1. What is a recent compliment you received?

Last week my friend Cassie told me I'm really good at rambling, which might sound like a veiled insult, but she really was complimenting me!

2. Are you organized or messy?

I am the most organized messy person you'll ever meet! 

For real, though, I am incredibly organized while being incredibly messy. They're not exactly opposites. They can exist simultaneously. 

3. What is your biggest victory?

Supporting Scotty while getting his degree and then getting mine - all while raising children.

4. What talent have you always wanted?

To be able to sing and/or play an instrument. 

5. What movie can you quote by heart?

Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Don't judge me.

6. What is the last book you read?

The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes. 

7. What are a few of your favorite things?

Heated blankets, fall and Christmas scented candles, and hot chocolate

(cold weather inspired)

8. What are three things you are proud of?

  • I'm 70 days soda sober
  • I can do 20 push-ups in a row
  • I'm currently caught up on laundry

9. How do you show love?

Feeding people, giving gifts, and providing service. 

10. Describe your best friend.

I'm blessed to have multiple "best" friends. But today, I'll tell you a little about my friend Lynsie. 

Lynsie is incredibly thoughtful and creative. She comes up with such clever gift ideas, and her gift wrap is always top notch! She's supportive of others. She's hilarious and has the funniest things happen to her. I can be completely open and honest with her about anything, and she always responds in kindness and compassion. We've been friends since 7th grade, and she is such a blessing in my life!

11. What is a hero?

A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. 

(Stolen from the dictionary).

(That's probably not how I was supposed to answer that question).

12. Who is your role model?

Um... is it bad that I don't know? There are plenty of people I find admirable, but I've never really identified a "role model." I'll have to think about that more. 

13. What outfit makes you happy?

Honestly, sweatpants and a hoodie. Unless it's too warm for sweatpants and hoodie, in which case I'd be pretty miserable wearing said outfit.

14. What is the last piece of real mail you received?

A card from Cyndi that I let sit in my mailbox a little too long.

15. What are you looking forward to?

Lunch. I don't have a plan, but I'm hungry.

16. What is one quality you want to improve?

My ability to love unconditionally. Let's just say... I have conditions. 

17. Name one song from your life soundtrack.

The song from Sword in the Stone that goes, "To and fro, stop and go, that's what makes the world go 'round."

It's been stuck in my head my whole life. 

18. What are you working towards?

Walking 250 miles before the end of the year and doing 2,000 push-ups. As a side goal, I would like to do a set of 50 pushups without stopping. Eek! Not sure I can do it, but I'm going to try. Heaven help these arms of mine!

19. What is one good thing you can do tomorrow?

Be alive.

Yes. That seems like a good thing. I will try for that. 

20. What is something you've learned from a mistake?

How to spell fruition. That stinkin' word got me booted out of the school spelling bee on the first round while all my competitors got to spell words like tomorrow and calendar. What fourth grader has ever heard of "fruition?"

(A sixth grader spelled maize wrong when it was down to him and one other girl, and I learned from his mistake: always ask for the definition!)

(I never did another spelling bee).

21. Describe a recent good moment.

I was driving Daisy's friend home from school the other day, and I said something that made her laugh uncontrollably. It was so good for my soul to make a child laugh like that. Now I just need her to convince my kids that I'm funny!

22. What people make you the happiest?

I'm blessed to have a long list for this one, but I'll keep it short and say my family. 

23. What is something you need to change?

Some of my eating and shopping habits. Overeating and overspending are some of my favorite past times right now. 

24. How are you taking care of yourself?

I shower once in a while and sometimes I eat vegetables. 

25. How are you taking care of others?

There are so many people that need special love and care right now, and I don't always know what I can do for them. One thing I can do is pray for them by name, so I've been keeping a little prayer roll with names of people I know of who are in need of blessings. Maybe is doesn't make a difference... but maybe it does

26. What are three things that make you smile?

  • Little kids wearing backpacks
  • Dogs riding in cars with their heads out the windows
  • People dancing

27. What is the best kind of cake?

I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out!

28. Who is someone you'd like to meet?

I don't feel like meeting anyone right now. 

29. What is one good habit you have?

I floss every day. 

30. What habit would you like to have?

Exercising every day. 

31. What superpower would you most like to have?

I've thought about this for years, and I finally have an answer: perfect recall. I want to remember everything I learn and be able to cite the sources and recall the information with clarity and exactness. I basically want to be a walking encyclopedia. 


JJ said...

Two of my faves. Gilmore Girls and you!

Mama B said...

Nice job on the pushups. I probably can’t even do one!!!!!