Friday, May 22, 2020

Into the Unknown

I just got done with a time-consuming project, and I'm rewarding myself with some blogging time. As I was working on said project, my mind was aflutter with all of the things I wanted to write about.

It's all long forgotten now. So I'll take the Michael Scott approach:

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way."

Today is the last day of school, but we've been done with school for several days already. I'm sort of lost. It's summer break, but it's not really summer break. It's pre-summer break. And normally with "real" summer break, I do that thing where I start off with all sorts of structure, and I think I'm going to do great things with my kids like read books and go hiking. Then I pitter out after two weeks. 

Okay. Two days.  

I wasted my summer break ambition on distance learning, so I'm already in "TV is your mother" mode, and we haven't officially "summer-ed" yet. 

I honestly have no idea what this summer is going to look like. All of our plans have been canceled or are up in the air. Nothing is firm. 

Sing it with me now... "Into the unknooooooooown!"

But let's not talk about that. 

Instead, let's briefly return to the last day of school topic. Last week I told you about the photo backdrops I was making and how we weren't able to use them at the school. I ended up setting up one of the backdrops in my driveway and making an open-ended Facebook invitation for people to come take some photos. I changed the signs so they no longer had the name of our school on them. There were supposed to be animals with the backdrops, but someone else was going to make those. So it is animal-less, but whatever. If you're in the area, feel free to stop by today (Friday). 

That about sums up what I can write about today. Everything left in my brain is COVID-related turmoil, and I don't want to go there. 

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