Friday, May 1, 2020

An then it was May

Today in Utah some of the COVID restrictions are starting to lift... kind of. Some businesses are allowed to re-open, including dine-in restaurants, gyms, and salons, all with heavy protocols for health and safety. It will be interesting to see how things go over the next month. Yesterday I was thinking... is there anywhere re-opening that I'm even tempted to go? And truth be told, I'm in no rush. As long as we have food in the house, we're good. There is no gym or salon calling my name.

This morning, my friend Amy (who is a librarian) posted that her library was re-opening, and my heart went, "Ooooooo!" That's what I'm excited for. The library! But I'm still okay waiting. Ours aren't opening yet anyway. What I really miss is the library how it was. I don't want to do the library "weird COVID style." I also have no desire to eat in a restaurant "weird COVID style." As long as things "out there" are so weird, I'd rather just be at home. Home feels normal. "Out there" feels uneasy and wrong.

I've really lost the motivation to keep up on my kids' schooling. Nicky is going strong and needs very little help. Daisy is starting to get lazy and needs constant pushing. Zoe needs regular supervision and assistance. I'm only having her do the bare minimum at this point. And Eva? Well... I just don't even bother. One thing that's difficult is keeping Eva busy while I do schoolwork with the other kids. Zoe and Eva will play with each other for hours (with intermittent fighting, of course) if I don't have Zoe doing school. If Zoe is doing school, Eva is at my heels whining the whole time. So I'm starting to get very lax with Zoe's schoolwork because it's so nice if Zoe and Eva can spend the day playing together.

We've been trying to stay in good spirits. We get bored sometimes, but we try to be creative and come up with things to do. If you're starting to run out of activities while quarantined, here are a few suggestions:

Idea #1: Balance stuff on a dog's head.

He likes it.

Idea #2: Build machines out of Legos, and use them to drive everyone's forks to them during breakfast.

Nicky's doing.

Idea #3: Clean the house... literally.

So glad to have him busy for a while. 

Idea # 4: Wear chicken suits.

Quarantine must-haves. 

Idea #5: Sit in your driveway and watch cars go by. 

Fire truck! Score!
What an exciting three seconds!

 Idea #6: Buy weird stuff on Amazon. Like cowbells. 

I got a fever and the only prescription
is more cowbell!

Idea #7: Hang out in your garage recliner.

Hopefully you have one by now.
I've been telling you to get one for almost a year!

Idea #8: Throw your swamp cooler off the roof. 

She's a goner.

Idea #9: Take the long way to the school for lunch so you can see weird things driving down the road.

It was followed by a purple one!

Idea #10: Shop online for outdoor cat sanctuaries.

Scotty says no.
He is a killer of dreams. 

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