Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Pinterest Has Spoken

I often like to play a game called "What if I did Everything the Internet Told Me to?"  In this game, I scroll on my phone for about one minute and see what kind of messages and ads are sent my way and imagine myself obeying all of them. It's both frightening and hilarious to take note of what is being paraded in front of my face when I'm online.

Obligatory blog post photo.
Has nothing to do with actual content.
Consider yourself clickbaited!

Today I did a variation of the game called, "What if I did Everything Pinterest Told Me to?"

I have a complicated love/hate relationship with Pinterest. I avoided it for years, but when Scotty and I were serving in cub scouts, I ended up getting an account to help come up with ideas for pack meeting. Since then, I've continued to use Pinterest but minimally. I find it amusing to see what ideas Pinterest pitches to me, so I scrolled Pinterest for one minute today, and here are the exciting things it wants me to do:

Make cacti out of pool noodles

Use an herb from my garden to cure my baldness

Buy a NordicTrack

Make pillows out of dead people's clothes

Adopt a puppy

Buy mayonnaise

Drink vodka and lemonade with sliced cucumbers

Make miniature purses out of paper

Build an indoor climbing wall

Watch Christian films on Netflix

Braise some cabbage

Stream Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Paint my bathtub

and last but not least...

Put VapoRub on my butt cheeks.

(I tell you no lie).

The Pinterest has spoken. If you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.

2 comments: said...

I love all this blogging 😍

Jana Lyn said...

And what is the benefit of the vaporub there?!