Monday, May 11, 2020

When All Your Mother's Day Dreams Come True

One of the first things I did when I found out the schools were closing for the coronavirus was buy a whiteboard. I have several small ones around the house, but I wanted a bigger one to hang on the wall so I could write down info for the family each day to avoid being asked the same questions over and over.

What are we doing today? 

Check the whiteboard.

What's for dinner?

Check the whiteboard.

Every day for 60 (now 61) days, I have written something on the whiteboard.

As the weekend approached, my kids were starting to ask about Mother's Day. I told them I would love for them to get along, clean the house, and be in charge of "church." Then I threw in, "Oh yeah, and make me breakfast!" because I knew they would love that.

On Saturday, I reiterated my desires on the whiteboard and added one more thing just for fun:

A little while later, I got this text:

I then received a meeting ID and password. I couldn't let down Hugh Jackman down, so I logged into Zoom on Sunday, and we had a lovely chat.

He looked a little different than usual - probably because of quarantine. His whiskers appeared to be drawn on, he had on sunglasses, his accent was a bit off, and his voice sounded a little higher than normal.  

He showed me his collection of original movie posters.

"Here is a poster of me holding my arm in the air for no reason," he explained. 

Then he told me he had a surprise for me! He had mailed me a package, and it was due to arrive any minute!

Shortly after the call, the package showed up on the porch.

I opened it and found a signed photograph and the two movie posters. Talk about speedy delivery! 

What an amazing experience! I only wish Nicky could have been around to see it. 

2 comments: said...

Your son is amazing! I love that?

Shirley Smith said...

Oh my goodness....did Calloway set up the whole "Hugh Jackman" thing? He is brilliant, just like his parents!!!