Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Weather Days

The weather has been really great lately. I've been trying to get the kids outside as much as possible to help them stay active through Pandemic Palooza. Plus, there is always a possibility of snow around the corner in a Utah March, so we need to soak up the good weather every chance we get!

On Monday we did a lot of sidewalk chalking. I think the kids went outside three different times to color on the driveway. 

Nicky cleaned out the chicken coop. We played on the backyard swings and rode scooters around the block. Nicky hit golf balls on the lawn. Popsicles were devoured, and everything felt "spring"-y and joyous. 

Yesterday we had some St. Patrick's Day fun with a scavenger hunt to find breakfast. 

Lucky Charms!

In the washer?

How silly. 

We had to pop into the school for a bit to get some things to take home. It was weird seeing everyone. In just a few short days, I've become wary of talking to people. There's just this sense of "we're not supposed to be near each other right now," and it makes for some socially awkward exchanges. It's kind of weird to see other humans and want so badly to connect with them but also respect their coronavirus boundaries. Each person is following a different set of rules, depending on what they believe about the outbreak, so I feel like I am now sizing everyone up to determine their guidelines. Are they okay with eye contact? I just don't know anymore! Sorry, random guy walking a dog that I said hello to yesterday. I don't know if that was okay!

Later in the day we packed a picnic and ate lunch near the community pond. We fed corn to the resident fowl and saw some ducks engaging in mating rituals that were not consensual. Nicky climbed the tree, and the girls found pine cones and used sticks to try and catch fish. 

We took a walk around the canals, which were drained really low. Daisy was up to her usual antics of throwing herself on the ground in fits. 

Nicky, my scavenger, had to pull everything out of the water that he could find. I had to repeatedly say, "No, you can't bring that home." 

He pulled three bikes out of the canal.


Plus a laptop, a hardhat, a shirt, a dead fish, and a Hershey's kiss (which I did not allow him to eat). 

There were a few humans in the area, but we were properly distanced at all times. 

With the coronavirus pandemic, I think I have experienced every possible emotion. I have felt despair and worry. But I have also felt peace, joy, capability, and a sense of "you got this." I've had moments of great problem-solving and creativity. I have also felt incredibly blessed. 

More on that tomorrow. 

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