Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Good News/Bad News

Good news: I got my cheese fries!

Good news: Many of you reached out in love after learning that I had bad cheese fries on Saturday. Thank you for your concern.

Bad news: I can't sleep.

Good news: I just took a melatonin.

Bad news: I don't know if melatonin really does anything for me.

Bad news: Part of the reason I can't sleep is because I'm paranoid of lock jaw.

Good news: I'm up to date on my tetanus shots.

Bad news: Actually, I have no idea if I'm up to date on my tetanus shots. Seems like I had one after childbirth. 

Bad news: The reason this is even an issue is because I have some pain in the joint of my jaw. It's been going on for a few days, and it gets worse after I don't talk for a while.

Bad news: My ear on that side is also bothering me. 

Good news: I snagged some toilet paper at Sam's Club this morning before they ran out (I'm sure they ran out within 10 minutes of me getting TP in my cart). 

Good news: The toilet paper shortage is actually a blessing for me because choosing what toilet paper to buy really stresses me out. It's kind of nice to have slim pickin's and to have to just buy whatever is there!

Bad news: My TP is locked up in a safe that requires a blood sample to open. So don't even bother trying to break in and steal it!

Good news: Many of you reached out to me after my last post, and I very much appreciate your kindness. I hope my post didn't make you too worried about me. I am quite alright, I was just experiencing a few days of feeling forgotten. Thank you for your love and kindness!

Good news: My drought with God is on the mend. I prayerfully asked for something very specific to help me in my journey, and I got it. I'm actually kind of shocked about it - another reason I can't sleep.

Good news: I think the melatonin might really be working!

I dream of cheese fries

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