Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Currently [March 2020 Edition]

Reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb. I'll be starting These is My Words soon. I read it about 9 years ago, and it's our book club selection for March, so I'm going to read it again.

Listening to: whatever songs my kids pick. Nicky's current musical obsession is "Sh-Boom" (Life Could be a Dream) by the the Chords. Daisy is loving "Go Big or Go Home" by American Authors. Eva loves "Without Love" from Hairspray. Zoe doesn't currently have a music obsession.

Watching: Veronica Mars. I love it, but I don't recommend it.

Eating: Toad in a hole (as in runny egg in toast, not the traditional UK dish). We call it "toad in a hole" and not "toad in the hole" or just "toads" for short. Like, "Toads are ready!" or "Come getcher toads!" My kids love them, but they all eat them differently. The girls all like heir eggs runny. Nicky doesn't (which surprises me - based on all other eating preferences, it should be the exact opposite). Daisy eats her whole toad. Zoe and Eva just dip their toasties in the egg and then leave the egg white on their plates.

Buying: toilet paper, bottled water, and hand sanitizer.

Just kidding.

I didn't do any coronavirus shopping.

I bought new make-up yesterday - eye shadow, eyeliner, primer, and foundation. Imma look good when I get the coronavirus.

Craving: water. I'm super thirsty and 44 days soda sober. I'm doing okay without soda other than missing the ritual of drinking it. That's the hardest part. I miss the first sips and the feeling of unwinding. I don't have anything to replace that with. I mean, I could take up drugs or smoking or something, but that's not really the direction I'm aiming for.

Playing: Wingspan. It really is a stellar game.

Annoyed by: construction in our area. I try to be patient about it because construction is a necessary part of having nice roads and accommodating traffic. There are some projects underway in our area that will be very beneficial to our infrastructure, but OH MY GOSH I'm so sick of it. And its taking a huge toll on my van. There's a street I have to drive on every day that is loaded with potholes.

Excited for: a little weekend trip we have coming up. Can't wait to get away and have some respite!

(That's funny because I just referred to a weekend traveling with my kids as "respite." Wah ha ha ha! I truly amuse myself sometimes).

Dreading: teaching Junior Achievement in Daisy's class. I keep volunteering to do it, and then I realize that I hate it. I don't even have an explanation for why.

Wearing: sweatpants and a hoodie. This is what I wore for my morning walk. I'll change before I go to the school for JA.

Feeling: sleepy. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. When I wake up that early, I hit a small wall around 10:00 a.m. and then I crash and burn at 1:00 p.m. That's right in the middle of Junior Achievement today.

Hold me!

Trying: to see the good in people. You know that quote that says, "There isn't a person you couldn't love once you've heard their story?" I'm the type of cynic that, upon reading that quote on facebook (where I see it all the time - attributed to multiple sources from Mr. Rogers to Marjorie Pay Hinckley) immediately thinks, "Oh yeah? What about Ted Bundy?"

I've dug myself into a hole lately where I believe that people are actually pretty horrible, and I'm trying to resurface. The behavior of the masses in both the election and the coronavirus hype are definitely not helping.

Procrastinating: preparing the Junior Achievement lesson. I have exactly one hour to review it before I need to be ready to leave my house (remember how I blog when I'm avoiding something? Prime example).

Looking forward to: Thursday. Monday through Wednesday are always really busy for us, so Thursday is always a nice break. We are almost there!

Grateful for: being able to have kids the good old fashioned way. In the book I'm reading (Maybe You Should Talk to Someone - which is non-fiction), the writer tells a story of having a baby via sperm donor. It got me thinking about how easy it was to choose my sperm source. I loved Scotty. We got married. Boom! We made a few babies. I never had to scrutinize the color of his eyes, his educational background, or the shape of his chin. I never had to think about whether our kids would be ugly. I mean... you always wonder if your genetic mix will be favorable, but when it comes down to it, it's pretty easy to decide to have kids with the person you love simply because you want to have that journey with them. I'd be a mess with a catalog of sperm donors!

2 comments: said...

Thanks for posting! This format is some of my favorite posts of yours.

We call them "hole in the eggs" which makes no sense.

I gotta try this wingspan.

And I totally hear you on that sperm donor thing...

JJ said...

You have me rolling.