Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Currently [Pandemic Palooza Edition]


I have a lot of books in progress, but I'm having a really hard time focusing. 

Listening to: a "Best of Frozen" playlist that Nicky is blasting on the Echo with Eva's TV show (Booba) in the background. There's a lot of noise around here these days.

Watching: I'm still about 11 minutes into Star Wars. Other than that, I'm not really watching anything right now.

Eating: hot dogs (which I grilled with rain dripping on my head since the grill is positioned right at the edge of the patio awning).

I also made a double batch of cookies.

Enjoying: preparing meals for my family. It's something I genuinely like doing, and since we aren't rushing off to activities all day and night, we eat three meals together every day. I'm also baking a lot (not sure I'm getting any better at it). As a result, we do about three loads of dishes a day (many by hand since the dishwasher is often full and running).

Buying: mostly essentials. I go to the store only when we need milk, and it's a new adventure every time. I never know what's going to be out of stock with each visit. The other day I tried to buy 3 gallons of milk from Walmart, and they would only let me buy one. The cashier took away two. And I was nice about it because... how bad would it suck to be the Milk Enforcer? It's not his fault. Yet, he told me he gets yelled at and threatened all day long. The next day I went to a different Walmart, and I was allowed to buy however many I wanted.

On Monday I felt like I hit the jackpot because I got a bag of rice! It was on the very bottom shelf in the back. When I checked out, the cashier said, "Whoa! Where did you find this?" and I was like, "God sent it to me."

Ya'll, I'm not lying. It was the only bag, and it was the exact kind I was looking for.

Other than that, I'm not buying much. But in the past 24 hours, I've made a couple of frivolous Amazon orders (as you will read below).

Craving: all things Thai and Chinese. We might have to order some Thai food for dinner tonight to support a local small business. I'm anticipating that we will be in lockdown soon, so I want to spread some economic love while we can.

If that doesn't work out, I just ordered 4 cans of Massaman curry paste from Amazon, so we can (hopefully) have some Massaman soon with our God-sent jasmine rice.

Playing: 7 Wonders Duel, which I bought with my birthday money. Scotty and I just broke it out and learned how to play yesterday.

We taught Nicky and Daisy how to play Dead Man's Draw on Sunday, and they really like it. I ordered Terraforming Mars from Amazon yesterday, and we have two games on our shelf that we've had for a while and haven't yet played. 

So we have work to do! 

Corona goal: learn the games!

Wearing: a Hamilton t-shirt, jeans, and slippers.

Feeling: pretty tired. I haven't been sleeping well due to pandemics and earthquakes. I wake up several times in the night because I think every noise and every movement is an aftershock. At the end of each day when we put the kids to bed, I feel absolutely exhausted.

Trying: to stay positive.

Missing: normal grocery store trips. Morning walks with KoriAnn and Julie. The library. Cafe Rio lunches with Christie. Watching TV without feeling weird about fictional characters being closer than 6'. Game night.

Loving: having church at home. It's been really nice to make our own decisions regarding our Sunday worship and to have some time to reset our testimonies at home. I feel like the Lord trusts us, and I'm grateful for that.

Laughing at: the way I've been making our bed lately.

Scotty and I have different bedding preferences, so the other day, I folded each of our comforters in half and made our bed with his & hers sides. I've continued making it that way so we don't have to sort bedding at night. 

Procrastinating: getting Eva a sippy cup of milk. She's been sitting next to me asking for milk the entire time I've been writing this.

Looking forward to: General Conference.

Grateful for: my house, my family, food, feelings of safety and peace, my testimony, my friends, technology, medicine, essential workers who are keeping everything going, sunshine, clouds, science, music, warmth, revelation, and eggs.

Yes, eggs. I feel like eggs will keep us going.

Sam I Am.
Our oldest hen.

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