Tuesday, January 19, 2021

We are a COVID House Now (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: We have our first case of COVID in the house, so we are quarantined until at least January 30. I don't feel like blogging about it right now, so hang tight. I'll tell you more later... maybe.

Fact #2: I'm getting a rapid COVID test tomorrow. I don't have any symptoms. That will be my first COVID test!

Fact #3: The plate monster returned. But now the plate monster is quarantined.

This is my Wingspan set-up 

This is my Valentine's Day set-up

Fact #4: Speaking of Wingspan, yesterday we bought it on the Nintendo Switch as a quarantine consolation prize (It's only $19.99 to download from the Nintendo e-Shop). Nicky gave it a test run. I haven't played it yet. 

Fact #5: For my birthday I ordered the Oceania expansion for Wingspan, but they weren't going to be in stock until January 28. Every few days since I placed the order, I've gotten a new email moving up the shipping date. Yesterday I got an email saying it had shipped, and it is on track to arrive tomorrow.

A quarantine blessing.

Fact #6: I've been making my kids watch the Chronicles of Narnia. I never realized it, but my kids haven't really been exposed to war or battle scenes. They don't know or understand what war is, so in the beginning of the first movie, when the Pensevie family is running to the bomb shelter, my kids had so many questions. I had to explain where their dad was (fighting in the war), and later, I had to explain why the children were taken from their home and sent to live somewhere else. 

I wish they could hold on to that innocence forever. 

Fact #7: For Christmas Nicky got a slackline. We set it up at the park last week and tried it for the first time. It came with a training line that goes above your head to help you learn to balance. I thought it would be easy with the training line. I expected to hop up there and walk back and forth with no problem. 

Boy, was I wrong! My body was OUT OF CONTROL! I was so wobbly, and there was nothing I could do about it. It was shocking! 

Not me

Fact #8: Tomorrow I will be 135 days soda sober - which is how many days I made it last year before I drank a root beer, cried because it tasted so good, and then went off the deep end for three months. 

I love soda. LOVE it. So it's incredibly hard not to have it, and I have to make the choice every day to not drink any. I can't moderate it. I've tried. It's all or nothing for this girl - I either drink three a day or none at all. There is no in between for me. 

Fact #9: Nicky made a goal last year to go one year without soda. He hit his year mark this week. 

Fact #10: I've stared at the computer screen trying to think of Fact #10 for way too long. There is nothing. I'm going to go stare at a wall now.


love.joy.lane said...

You must download the Wingsong app now. Played out first game with it and it was so fun!

I'm excited to hear your covid stories... Well excited is the wrong word... Sorry this world is weird we live in.

Mama B said...

Sorry about the Covid. We've had it two different times in our house and the quarantine time is so long. Hang in there!