Sunday, January 10, 2021

Hell's Bells

I don't remember when my last visit to the temple was before the temples closed for COVID. It may have been when Scotty and I went to the Jordan River Temple with our friends Chad and Carlie, which I think was February of last year. I do remember that I went to the temple twice that week, and I thought I was off to a good start for temple attendance for the year. I don't recall if I went again after that. Regardless of when my last visit to the temple was, I definitely didn't know that it would be a really long time before I would be able to step foot in the temple again. 

Prior to COVID, temple-going members of my Church could, in most cases, attend a temple any time during their open hours and perform some type of temple worship. It has been a very big change to not have such easy access to temples. As things stand currently, nearly a year later, a few temples (four, to be precise) across the world are in "phase 3" of reopening, which means they are doing living and proxy ordinances by appointment. The rest of the 160+ operating temples are in phases 1 or 2 or remain closed. All of our temples in Utah (save for those being renovated) are in "phase 2" which means living ordinances are being performed by appointment with no proxy ordinances.* 

While I'm at peace with this and know that it won't remain this way forever, I can't help but wonder why God has allowed His work to pause in this manner. I never would have fathomed a world-wide shut-down of our temples. A temple here and a temple there, yes. It happens due to political upheaval and the need for renovations, but across the world? All at once? I never would have thought. 

Even though our temples have gone through closures, the building of many temples across the world has continued moving forward. I get to witness this everyday in my home since Scotty is a buyer for temple materials and has been working from home for the past ten months. The total of existing temples, those under construction, and those announced is 231. 

Not too long before the temples closed, we learned that we would have a new temple built in our area - Taylorsville, Utah. 

Rendering of the Taylorsville Temple - I think it's gorgeous!

Brigham Young once said, "We never began to build a temple without the bells of hell beginning to ring."** During a later discourse, he said, "I want to hear them ring again!"***

The ground for the Taylorsville temple was broken in October of 2020. It's only a few miles from my home, and the site is visible from the I-215 freeway. Every time I drive past and peek over the edge of the road at the progress, I feel a bit of a thrill, and I think, "Hell's bells!"

With each phase of temple reopening, I think, "Hell's bells!" And someday, when I get to return to the temple, I will think, "Hell's bells!"

I look forward to doing my part to make them ring!

"Every foundation stone that is laid for a Temple, and every Temple completed lessens the power of Satan on the earth and increases the power of God and Godliness."

-George Q. Cannon

*"Living" ordinances are performed for yourself. "Proxy" ordinances are performed for the dead.
**Discourses of Brigham Young, 410.
*** Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, 299.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

I've also wondered why God has allowed his work to stop for a while. I know there are so many things we don't see and he knows what he's doing but I'm very curious.