Saturday, January 30, 2021


I'm in my final hours of quarantine. By the time this post is published, I should be FREEEEEE!

But I don't want to jinx anything, so I'm not going to speak of freedom just yet.

Can I be honest? This quarantine has been hard - harder than any previous quarantine-ish things I've had to do. My mental health went right down the drain. I have been awash with anxiety and depression. I will be okay, but it's going to take some time to get back on track. I have no idea how I managed to school my kids with Scotty working from home for so long last year. Whatever I had in me that pulled me through is gone now. 

There are no coping skills left. 

I'm tired. 

If we end up in quarantine again soon, I will probably lie and say that I'm fine. But I'm telling you right now... any future quarantined Britt is NOT OKAY. Unfortunately, you can't fix it. But if you want to help, I recommend SENDING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. It's weird, I know, but over the last two weeks, I have felt incredibly deprived of nutrients, and I'm so looking forward to going to the grocery store and picking out produce!

So if your friends are quarantined, consider leaving a tomato or an apple on their porch because they might need something nourishing. 


Well, we made it to January 30. We are officially free! But now I’m too paranoid to leave my house or have contact with anyone because I DO NOT want to be exposed to COVID  again. 

So what do I do with this freedom? 

Simply know that it exists. And mayyyybe go buy a green pepper. We’ll see...

1 comment:

JJ said...

Congrats on your freedom!