Monday, January 25, 2021

Everything's Coming Up COVID

In my last post, I wrote that I have a goal to blog about something non-COVID this week. 

This is not that post.

There is only COVID. 

Okay, that's not true. There is also Bernie Sanders. But mostly... there is COVID. And even when it's not COVID, everything still relates to COVID somehow. Every scripture I read can be likened to COVID. When I watch TV shows or read books, there's always something I can connect to COVID - like when I was watching Victoria and there was an episode about a cholera outbreak, and the characters were discussing how it was spread and whether they needed to quarantine the royal family in the palace. Then in The Crown, there was an episode about the deadly fog, and everyone was wearing masks. The other day I read The Woman in the White Kimono, and one of the main characters is riding the bus in Japan in the 1950’s and mentions sick people wearing masks. I also read a dystopian novel where the people aren't allowed to gather in groups of more than 10! Now I'm reading a book called What the Wind Knows, and one of the male characters strips down and bathes in the lake before coming home each day because there is an influenza outbreak, and he is trying to not bring the virus home. 

Throughout the pandemic, I have rotated between State of Mind A: "Everything is okay. We just need to give it patience and time," and State of Mind B: "Everything is so COVID-heavy that I can't function."

I am currently in State of Mind B. 

We are all still symptom-free. I took the kids to get tested again this morning, and I am taking them again on Wednesday. If all goes well, Friday is our last day in quarantine! Then, there might be something other than COVID. 

Eva went back to school today. I had to enlist a friend to help with that. Hooray for good friends!

I'm grateful to have one less kid doing "distance learning." My kids have only been to school 5 times in the past 6 weeks! I have always appreciated teachers, but that gratitude has increased immensely over the past year! I cannot teach my children academic things... or anything really.  There's too much butting of heads. I have had to fight and fight with Eva and Zoe to get their schoolwork done over the past week. They are both behind academically, and my at-home efforts to help them get on track are futile. I know I can't be completely dependent on their teachers for that, but good golly! They are so much more effective than I will ever be. 

I have been so fortunate to have fantastic teachers at the elementary school. Eva's teacher e-mailed me immediately after the school was notified that Eva had COVID. Daisy's teacher has made two trips to our house to bring Daisy her schoolwork (and treats!), and Zoe's teacher made a trip to our house as well. They've gone above and beyond!

Now I unofficially promise that my next post won't be about COVID. 

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