Saturday, January 2, 2021

Currently {January 2021 Edition}


Buying: cereal. I had some decent coupons for General Mills, so I bought ten boxes for $10 this morning. Who wants to come over for a Cheerios feast?

Missing: being able to freely invite people over. I keep having thoughts of all the people I want to have over when COVID isn't as much of a concern. I want my kids to have movie nights with their friends. I want to force everyone I know to come play board games with me. I want to feed people. I want to host book club on my couch. 

I even want to hug people. 

Big dreams!

Craving: silence, a hot shower, and a nap. 

Listening to:

Wanting: nothing. I feel like I have everything I want and need right now. 

(Ask again tomorrow). 

Watching: Lord of the Rings. It's been five years or so since my last viewing, so it's time. 

Annoyed by: a long list of things. I am so annoyed right now. I can't even.

I really wish I could write about it, and tell you all the things, but I can't. 


We brought Power Grid out of retirement for New Year's Eve (the last time we played it was in 2014). Tonight we're going to play it again to get the rules solidified in our simple brains (and to hopefully not botch the game - we botch this one in some way every time we play). 

If we survive Power Grid and still have brain cells left, we might try Terraforming Mars. I bought it several months ago, and we haven't ever played it because we have COVID brain. 

Loving: the nice weather today. It's sunny and warm (by the January definition of warm). 

Feeling: a plethora of emotions. I am energized and excited about a new year. At the same time, I am annoyed (as stated above) and have felt a lot of unease the last couple of days. I'm frustrated with a few things, but I'm also really happy.

I'm all over the place!

Wearing: a University of Utah t-shirt and my favorite pants. I love these pants so much - they are $10 joggers from Sam's Club, and they are made out of a tech fabric. I want more of them, but I can't find any more! 

Eating: leftovers from New Year's Eve. We had hamburgers, guacamole, eclair cake, and sauteed veggies. 

Looking forward to: my kids going back to school. The fighting over the past month has been out of control. They need to spend some time away from each other. And away from me. 

Winter break has basically been a 17-day cage match between Eva and Zoe. I have no clue what to do with them. I'm tired of being a referee. They're screaming at each other even as I type this. 

Enjoying: having a few new small appliances around the house. I got a new toaster for Christmas and a new electric skillet for my birthday. 

Worried about: something bad happening. I know that's a pretty general thing to worry about, but really, I just have this constant underlying fear that when things seem calm, it's because something horrible is just around the corner. I think this concern is amplified with the changing of the year. 

Grateful for: health, safety, and miracles. 


Mama B said...

I tried reading the Midnight Library and was so disappointed in the swearing. Other than that it seemed like such a good book. I didn't finish it.

Britt said...

Yes, it did have a lot of F words 😔