Friday, October 30, 2020

Things I did this week that made me feel awesome

Sometimes we just need to celebrate the small victories, amiright? So here are a few things I did this week that made me feel awesome:

Pressure washed the van.

After our weekend road trip, our van was covered in sand. I took two trips through the carwash, but there was still sand everywhere, so I borrowed my in-laws' pressure washer. I opened all the van doors and sprayed the areas where the sand built up around the edges. 

Pressure washing stuff is pretty satisfying. It makes you feel all powerful, and it's cool to see the dirt going away. 

I also pressure washed our driveway to get all the chalk art off. 

Made pumpkin rolls.

Making a yummy dessert is always rewarding, but it's even better when it's fit for the season and looks pretty. 

Rescued my kid from a popcorn kernel.

Eva had a popcorn kernel stuck in her teeth, and it was really bothering her. I saved her with dental floss, and well... let's just say... I felt like a bit of a hero. 

Knew the answers to the kindergarten homework.

I realize I should be functioning well above the five-year-old level, but I still get excited when I know the answers to Eva's homework. It's just nice to know that I've mastered something in life. And it's not like Jeopardy where I know some of the answers. I know all of the answers in kindergarten. Like, I know everything. 

Found a shelf at the thrift store.

This was such a pleasant surprise and further confirmation in something I have always believed... that the Lord blesses us through thrift stores (Cousin Cyndi says we are guided by the "thrift store Holy Ghost"). 

One night I was thinking about how to better organize my living room closet, and I had the idea to put a certain type of shelf in the closet, which would have required a trip to IKEA. Y'all know how much I hate IKEA (and if you don't know, just hang out here a little longer because I mention it on my blog a few times a year). 

Well, the very next day, I was at the thrift store shopping for plates, and I found the shelf. So not only was I blessed with the exact type of shelf I wanted, I was also spared the dreadful task of going to IKEA. 

1 comment:

Mama B said...

I understand your excitement for knowing the kindergarten answers.