Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Good Day to Blog

Friday is a good day to blog. It just feels right. 

As I type this, I am sitting in my favorite spot in my house - the corner of the sectional sofa in the living room. In the hot summer months, it's prime seating because the swamp cooler blows right here and keeps me cool.  In the winter months, it's a perfect spot for curling up in a blanket. Many books are read from this spot, many blog posts are written, and I confess, many naps are taken. 

My corner (I rearrange the pillows for my comfort)

The only problem is I'm not alone in my spot. I'm here with a feisty five-year-old who is throwing a mega tantrum, making all sorts of animalistic noises, and kicking me with her feet. I don't remember what initially started this tantrum, but I think it had to do with food. She said she was hungry, and I told her to go find a snack. I recommended goldfish or string cheese because I'm full of solutions, but she wants me to cook her something. Like waffles. I told her I'm not going to cook her waffles, and I think that's what got her kicking and screaming. But then it changed into screaming about wanting to go to Grandma's house and now it's something to do with Sponge Bob. Suffice it to say that Eva is being loud and violent, and she keeps pushing herself into some sort of downward dog position and then throwing herself against the side of the couch.

At least she's getting some exercise. 

Four hours later...

I’m now sitting in my garage recliner. 

The beauty

Nicky is next to me, sitting on a wiggle car, talking my ear off. Things Nicky talks about:

-All the unfair things that have happened to him in the past - he got in trouble for saying “stupid” when he was five, but Eva says it all the time and doesn’t get in trouble, I spent more on Daisy’s birthday present than I did on his in 2010, etc

-Things he wants to do to the yard - build a swimming pool, swap out our grass for a putting green, and so forth

-Everything he watches on TV - Shark Tank, American Ninja Warrior, and even his toddlerhood favorites like Bob the Builder

-All of his different business ideas and product names

Now he’s trying on all the bike helmets and analyzing the different plastics they are made of. 

I need this kid to go back to school!

Daisy is at her grandma’s house sewing a blanket. Zoe and Eva have built a fort on the side of the house and are eating Otter Pops in it. 

Nicky is still talking...

And talking...

Scotty went to the office today. Clearly he is missing some very exciting things. 

Like Nicky talking about bike helmets... still...

Now Nicky has shifted to a TV idea he wants to propose to Disney. 

I feel horrible, but sometimes I have to ask him to go in another room for a while so I can have a break from his incessant chatter. I have to be kind of forceful about it, too, because he doesn’t go willingly. 

I always remind myself that if Nicky is talking, it’s a good thing. As annoying as it is, it means he trusts me and is most likely happy. When he’s not talking, that’s an indicator that something’s wrong. But I hit a point every day where I can’t handle it anymore, and I need to get away from the dear boy.

I’m at that point currently.

Three days later...

Monday is a good day to blog. It just feels right.

That went well.

One day later...

Tuesday is a good day to blog. It just feels right. 

I'm back in my favorite spot in the corner of the living room sofa. Eva is begging for food, as usual. The other kids are downstairs on electronics. There is no school for the rest of the week. Yesterday was a gift - the first day all the kids were out of the house in over two weeks. I had two blissful hours to myself. I used that time to make a few impulse buys at Ross - a birthday present for Zoe (she is going to lose her mind over it), a new pair of shoes and a purse for myself, some scented candles (I can't resist the fall and Christmas scents), and a couple of Christmas gifts. 

Oh! And a wreath. 

I'm such a sucker for wreaths

But since I bought a new wreath, I forced myself to get rid of a wreath as well. I retired the first holiday wreath I ever bought. It was in a pretty rough state from the many holiday seasons it spent on my front door, so it was okay to bid it farewell. 

Though yesterday was a gift, it also came with challenges. Daisy got a bloody nose on the way to school. Later in the day I drove to a store that ended up being closed. I got stuck in a few traffic jams, and to finish off the evening, I got a screw in my tire. Luckily Scotty saw it before it went flat - he notices those things. He made an appointment to get it fixed, but the hole was an inch from the last screw hole in the same tire, so they weren't able to repair it. Guess who has two new tires?

It's me!

But they gave us a pretty good discount. 

I wonder if Wednesday will be a good day to blog. 

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Yes Wednesday is a good day to blog. I'll be waiting.