Sunday, October 4, 2020

Things the Kids Say: Episode #10

 "Mom, I know a secret ingredient to put on popcorn that makes it extra yummy. I need you to put the salt right there on the counter, and then go away so you won't see what my secret ingredient is. ."



"We're going to have so much fun today! We're going to go to the store... and we're going to buy some vegetables... like maybe some broccoli...."



Daisy: Where did we get this blanket?

Me: Utopia gave it to us.

Daisy: What's Utopia?

Me: Our new internet company.

Daisy: So did we get rid of FedEx?


"Those look like mom jeans."

-Nicky to Scotty


"I realized I don't like fantasy books. I like books that are like 'Here are normal people and normal things happening' not 'Here are mythical creatures and mythical things happening.'"



"Your music is too loud for your age."

-Nicky to me


"I'm so mad! I'm going to do middle finger at you!"



Scotty: I said something inappropriate in a work meeting today, and I had to apologize to everyone.

Eva: Was it 'fart?'


Scotty: Guess what was playing on the oldies station this morning?

Me: Blink 182?

Scotty: No, but close! "Forever Young" by Alphaville.


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