Friday, October 2, 2020

Currently {October 2020 Edition}

Reading: Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage, 175 Temple Symbols and Their Meanings by Donald Parry, The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Dare, and News of the World by Paulette Jiles (quit).

I have too many books in progress right now. I really need to make a plan of attack here. 

Buying: lounge pants. Can't stop. Won't stop.

Missing: lipstick and earrings - two things that masks have made pointless.

Craving: Dove chocolate. 

Playing: Mariposas, Bohnanza, and Wingspan.

I can't win Bohnanza. Try as I might, I just can't do it! 

Loving: cool weather in the mornings and evenings. 

Listening to: The Second Coming of the Lord by Gerald Lund and The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.

Wearing: leggings, slippers, and a hooded tunic that I will have to change out of pretty soon because I will get too hot. 

Watching: Good Omens. I read the book many years ago as part of the Super Duper Blogger Book Exchange. I didn't really care for it. But when I saw that David Tennant and Benedict Cumberbatch were in the Amazon series, I had to check it out. Still don't care for it. But I'm almost done with it, so I'm sticking it out. Plus, Benedict Cumberbatch hasn't shown up yet. 

Eating: Cadbury eggs. My mom had an Easter/Halloween party last weekend... because it's 2020.

Feeling: ornery. It's a distance learning day, and Zoe and Eva are most unpleasant students (it's the "mom" factor - they are angels for their actual teachers, thank heavens). I'm basically tied to the kitchen table for four hours walking them through every little detail of their school work. Just getting their names on their papers nearly kills me. 

By the way, the kindergarten curriculum is just right for me. Today we had to draw spots on a pig and count them. I can handle that! Then Daisy comes and asks me for help with 5th grade math, and even though I know how to do it, I have no idea how to explain it to her.

Wanting: a nice rainstorm.

Annoyed by: the way my kids act when a sibling has a friend over. 

Wishing for: world peace. I might as well go big. 

Dreading: taking Zoe and Eva for flu shots this afternoon.

Hoping to: watch the last Harry Potter movie soon. I've only watched it once, and that was at midnight on opening night... nine years ago!!! How has so much time passed? I remember that was when assigned seating was relatively new in the movie theaters - something I had always hoped for! That's the only reason I was willing to go to a midnight showing. 

I've been watching all the HP movies with my kids since the little turds won't read the books (I've finally given up on them). They have so many questions about Snape. I just keep saying, "You'll have to wait and see!" I'm not giving anything away!

Hopefully they will read the books someday. They are missing out on so much!

Enjoying: fall scented candles. I've been alternating between two different pumpkin spice candles and an apple harvest candle. I also may end up with corona since I keep sniffing candles at the store. 

Grateful for: teachers. The real kind. 

2 comments: said...

I get dressed every morning and have to change by lunch because my outfit is too hot. And then by night fall Im finding hoodies and socks again...

Mama B said...

I don't know how you keep all your books straight. I can only read one at a time or I get so confused.