Friday, December 30, 2022

Let's Talk (More) About 2022

I already did a re-cap of 2022, but there's this old questionnaire that has floated around the internet for years and years (here's proof), and I'm on a seven-ish year rotation for filling it out here on the blog. Also, I'm waiting for my son to get home from his third social event of the day. The kid got asked on two dates today. TWO! And then he went to a church dance. We're not used to so much socializing! We rarely have to stay up past 9:00 to wait for Nicky because he never goes anywhere. Now here we are at 9:47, staying awake like a bunch of crazy people!

Let's talk about 2022... but first, can I just say that I never got used to it being 2022? In fact, I've had to comb back through this post and fix several places where I accidentally typed 2021. How am I going to cope with 2023? 

Anyway, here we go...

What did you do in 2022 that you'd never done before?

Rode a sled down the Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Not pictured: Me
(You're just going to have to believe I did it!)

Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for the coming year?

I didn’t really make any resolutions for this year. Instead, I set two goals in each area of the Children and Youth program for my church  (spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical) (some people use SIPS to remember them, but I use PISS. I’m sorry, that’s just how my mind works) and the fact that I can’t even remember what my goals were should tell you how well that went.

For the coming year, since it’s my last year in my thirties, I am attempting a project I have deemed “40x40” wherein I have chosen 40 goals to accomplish by 40. So in a way, yes, I am making some resolutions for the new year.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

My brother and his girlfriend had their second son right before Thanksgiving. 

Daisy holding the bebe

Did anyone close to you die?

Yes. Scotty’s grandma passed away this morning. His step-brother also passed away earlier this year. 

The kids with great-grandma

Aaron's graveside

What countries did you visit?

I stayed put, but Scotty went to Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. My international travel happens vicariously, and I’m fine with that. 

What would you like to have in 2023 that you didn't have in 2022?

Steak knives. 

What dates from 2022 will be etched in your mind?

June 8th

What did you get really excited about?

Going to Disneyworld. We had a blast planning and carrying out that trip.

Did you suffer illness or injury?

Ugh. The herpes

What was the best thing you bought?

A new couch for the living room.

Where did most of your money go?

Food and gas. 

Compared to this time last year, are you A) happier or sadder, B) thinner or fatter, C) richer or poorer?

I think I'm the same on all three counts. 

What was your favorite TV show?

Offspring (which I would not let my grandma watch, for the record). I watched it a few years ago and rewatched it this year except Hulu doesn't have the last two seasons, so I didn't technically watch the entire thing (and the way season 5 ended, it could have been the series finale, and I worry that people just end at season 5 and don't even know that there are two more seasons, and Hulu is ruining lives!)

(Wait! Was I supposed to answer with a TV show that is current this year? What would you say if you knew I watched Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey twice?)

What was the best book you read?

Oh my gosh. How do I choose?

My favorite book this year was probably Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard, but I don't think it's a book most people would like as much as I did. You might read it and be like, "Why this book?" It's because the book feeds my interest in family systems and has imperfect characters that grow and change over time. 

There’s also some cool symbolism with the tree in the book that I really liked.

Who was the best person you met?

I made a few new mom friends at my kids' schools, but we don't hang out. We just wave when we see each other at Walmart.

What was your favorite film of 2022?

Top Gun: Maverick, of course!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I turned 38, and we were in Phoenix with some of my in-laws. We watched the Rose Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl.

(Wait, did I spend my birthday watching football?)

Me with my birthday co-stars, Tim and Craig
(Me: January 1, Tim: January 3, Craig: January 4)

What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?

I have a health problem I don't blog about, and if it were to be resolved, that would be life-changing for sure. 

(It's nothing super bad. It's just embarrassing). 

(Now I feel like I need to say it's not poop-related. This vagueness is making it sound like a poop thing).

How would you describe your fashion concept of 2022?


What kept you sane?


I proved it by going off them for eight weeks. Yowza.

What valuable life lesson did you learn in 2022?

Ugh. I learned some hard stuff this year, and my education is not yet complete. I can't even summarize my learning here because it's so complex, and I'm still processing it all. I've had to learn some hard lessons about loving other people unconditionally. 

I need to take everything from Steve Young's book The Law of Love and internalize it.

What was your biggest achievement this year?

This year I crossed the threshold of being Brittany (Married Name) longer than I was Brittany (Maiden Name).

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