Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Book-Related Facts

The other day my friend, Krystle, texted me and asked, "If you had to provide a book-related fact about yourself, what would it be?" Her book club was planning an activity where they would guess each other’s book-related facts, and she was curious what mine would be.

I had to think about it for a bit, but once I thought of a fact, they just kept coming (by the way Krystle, I’m still waiting to hear your book-related fact). Of course, the best blog topics always stem from real-life conversations, so now I’m going to share ten book-related facts about myself:

1. I refuse to read anything by Neil Gaiman. People adore Neil Gaiman. I? Do not. I read an interview with him once that just rubbed me the wrong way, and I’ve steered clear of him ever since.

2. My favorite books are The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak and The Giver by Lois Lowry.

3. I dog-ear pages and write in margins. I like books to look used and well-loved.

4. If I spill food on a book page, I usually label it. 


“Popcorn grease.” 

“Dr. Pepper.” 

Even in a library book. Because future readers deserve to know what the weird splotch on the page is.

5. I don’t like cartoon-y book covers.

6. When I was in first grade, my dad bought me a boxed set of Little House on the Prairie books. I loved that boxed set and would always take the books out and organize them in different ways and display them on my dresser. I memorized the cover and title of every book, but I never read a single one of them!

7. I didn’t like reading until I was in my twenties. Harry Potter and Dan Brown novels were the books that finally won me over. I actually refused to read Harry Potter for a really long time, and then I saw the first three movies and was blown away! I started with book 4, and by the time the last book came out, I was the one hosting an overnight HP release party in a hotel room with all my HP loving friends!

That time I went to Hogwarts

8. I have never read Little Women or Anne of Green Gables (or watched any of the movies).

9. When I started becoming a “reader,” I didn’t know how to put books on hold at the library, so I would go to Barnes & Noble after work a few days a week and read books there. I’d write down what page I left off on and pick it back up the next time I came in. 

10. I couldn’t stand reading when I was pregnant. 

I wish I could say I’m off to read a book right now, but I have to go do some “responsible grown-up things” instead. 

(By the way, Krystle, was this even what you meant by book-related facts?)

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