Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Something Funny

(Imma just pretend that prompt is grammatically correct). 

I'm grateful for humor in general. Nothing soothes my soul quite like a good laugh. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. 

One pleasant surprise from my life is how funny my husband is. He wasn't funny when we were dating, at least not around me - probably because he was trying to be cool and impress a teenage girl. In fact, I remember getting mad at him once because I felt like he didn't laugh enough. 

(I was a complicated girlfriend. I'm not sure why Scotty stuck with me). 

Anyway, after we got married, and Scotty started "letting himself go" I realized that he was actually really funny. I guess I had stifled that part of him while we were dating. Seventeen years in, I am so grateful that I have a funny husband. I thought I was marrying him for his money, but I got something even better - a man who makes me laugh!

Here are a few posts about Scotty that make me laugh:

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