Sunday, March 15, 2020

Pandemic Palooza

The other night I couldn't sleep because I was worried about lockjaw. Little did I know that two days later, my life would be drastically altered by precautionary measures surrounding COVID-19.  On Tuesday I didn't know that I would soon be home-schooling and home-churching my kids or that my husband would need to set up office space somewhere in our tiny house. I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to see my friends or that I'd have to cancel all social events for the foreseeable future. I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to go to the library or buy a bidet on Amazon (they are out of stock, and now I'm kicking myself because last week, I knew I should order one) (luckily I found a peri bottle under my bathroom sink from my old childbirthing days. Good to know it's there, if needed) (over the weekend I found my kids making themselves headbands out of toilet paper, and I had to tell them that is an absolute no no!) Each day since Thursday has brought more and more restrictions to consider.

My jaw is still having problems (I went to the doctor, and they kind of blew me off. Now I wish I would have been more pushy, but it might actually be a dentist I need to see), but I'm not worried about lockjaw anymore!

I've have decided to call this new phase of life "Pandemic Palooza" (because everything is better with alliteration, even viral epidemics). I'm counting Thursday as Day 1 since that was the day everything really turned in our community (depending on where you live, you may be deeper or lesser into your own Pandemic Palooza. We all bloom at different rates, even in our pandemics).

Today (Day 4) was our first no-church Sunday. Tomorrow (Day 5) will be our first no-school day. The kids have asked me repeatedly how we are going to spend our day. I had to explain to them over and over that we're not going anywhere, and we can't play with friends. The idea is so foreign, even to me! It's natural to think about outings. I can't tell you how many times the library has popped in my head - we need to go get books and movies! - and then I have to remember that the library is closed. I am moments away from living out one of the post-apocalyptic stories I've picked up from that very place!

I think my anxiety over the whole situation is mild-moderate. I swing back and forth from "everything is going to be fine, just give it time" and "OH MY GOSH, NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME!!!" But I'm handling it okay, considering it's a stinkin' world wide pandemic, and my cozy little life has never had to take things like this seriously before!!!

Social distancing is going to be really hard for me. I need my people. Being forced to live one day at a time is going to be hard for me, too. I'm a planner. I budget, calendar, and meal plan for fun. I don't take anything one day at a time. I have a plan for everything... at least... I used to. Now nothing is stable.

I'm fine. I'm just constantly processing. And constantly having to remember this new lifestyle. It's the most unnatural thing I've ever had to do!

Good news, though! My melatonin is kicking in.

Come back soon, and I'll tell you about what's going on in this photo:

In the meantime, I hope Pandemic Palooza is treating you well.

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