Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Want to go into Labor (and ten other pregnancy-related facts)

Fact #1: I've reached the point in pregnancy where I can't think or talk about anything else. I'm sorry... You might want to steer clear of this corner of the internet if you're not ready for my incessant baby talk.

Fact #2: This was me at 37 weeks (a week and a half ago):

37 Weeks

Fact #3: The word is "dilated," not "dialated." I feel like it is my personal mission to correct this common error.

Fact #4: Things that have not put me into labor:
Fact #5: So maybe I haven't officially "prayed" to go into labor, but I've definitely hinted.

Fact #6: I think God might want me to hang in there long enough to attend the primary program this Sunday... being in the Primary Presidency and all... 

Fact #7: Not that I would have the baby a week early even if I weren't in the Primary Presidency.

Fact #8: I really don't want to have a baby on Halloween.

Fact #9: I'm worried that this baby is going to be BIG simply based on where I feel movement. It's up under my rib cage and down below my hip bones and in my back. If the head is there and the butt is there and the legs are this way, then this is a big baby!

Fact #10: The male cashier at Costco told me I'm having a girl, and the sample lady at Sam's Club told me I'm having a boy.


k said...

I'm kind of very excited to see what you're having.

Amber said...

When I got to my due date with Jaycie and she hadn't come yet I went to the doctor and threw my plan of a vbac out the window because I was so done. I was super committed to doing this the all natural way but nope, all reason had left when it didn't happen when I wanted it to. (It's a really good thing I did the c-section or it may have been bad, but we'll save that story for another day)Hang in there.

Jana Lyn said...

I hope you go into labor too, and not on Halloween. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but it always unnerved me when men commented on what they thought I was having...

Good luck and hoping you don't have a Halloween baby!

Rhi said...

Right before Henry was born I got a pedicure (which I was hoping would put me into labor. NO LUCK) and the nail person looked at my belly and said, "It's a boy......or a girl."

Best ever.

Amy Sorensen said...

I think October 29 would be a great day for you to have a baby. I would cry! :) Also I think you're having a boy. And I can't wait to find out.

And...maybe you're in labor RIGHT NOW as I'm writing this comment!!!

Or not.

Let me know. :)