Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Currently (April 2024 Edition)

Reading: nothing! It doesn’t feel right. I’m kind of in a weird place with reading. I can’t focus very well right now, and I can’t find anything I like. 

Drinking: water, orange juice, and lemonade. And here is where I tell you that I had a bit of a soda relapse last week. I drank a few, and now I’m going back to my sober ways.

Cooking: April Fools’ dinner

Sick of: Costco cookies.

Suffering from: two huge zits in addition to my numerous tiny zits.

Wearing: not my favorite stretchy pants or “bird nerd” shirt because they went missing in the laundry vortex a few weeks ago. Also still not wearing my own socks because they are also missing (I’ve been wearing Scotty’s almost everyday for about a month).

Buying: probably socks.

Suffering from: FOMO. Nicky is in Disneyland with the performing arts, and a couple of my friends are there as well. I’ve been stalking everyone’s social media and loving all the photos and videos, but I have a bad case of the Want To Be Theres. Yesterday I checked to see if Disneyland had any reservations available, and I seriously considered booking a last minute flight or driving myself there. 

(They didn’t have any reservations left for today, so at least the decision was easy to make).

Feeling: a bit uneasy. I have a few things that are eating away at me.

Annoyed by: people who have the right of way but insist that I go first at four-way stops. You are no saint! You are disrupting the flow!

Singing: “What Could be Better” from Bright Star

Watching: Sherlock 

I’ve been wanting to rewatch Sherlock forever, but it hasn’t been streaming anywhere until now. I’m a little shocked at how old it is! The first season is from 2010! Benedict Cumberbatch looks like a wee baby.

Craving: a chicken biscuit from Chick-Fil-A washed down with a Coke. Which I will not get. Because I am one day soda sober.

Thinking about: my schedule for the day and how I am going to keep my girls busy (it’s spring break) and not spend a ton of money. I have the tendency to spend money to fight boredom. 


Needing: a new package of hair ties.

Missing: the bacon, egg, and cheese bagel that McDonald’s used to sell. And the fruit and yogurt parfait. 

And drinking soda. 

Laughing about: the fact that Scotty and I both split a hole in our pants yesterday. 

I’m laughing, but I’m also crying because my pants were my favorite pair. 

Grateful for: WiFi

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