Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Easter 2024

For memory’s sake, I thought I’d do a little Easter re-cap. 

We started our Easter festivities a week early this year with a party at my mom’s house. I failed to take any photos, but BeReal went off during the party, so here I am with my giant egg:

Behold the giant egg

That night we had a stake fireside where the youth sang songs about the Savior, and it was really good. I know a lot of you were there, so hopefully you enjoyed it as well. 

The Saturday before Easter, we usually have an “egg roll,” a tradition started by Scotty’s grandma and continued by Scotty’s mom. The weather report wasn’t looking too good, so she ended up canceling. We took the opportunity to go to Lagoon in the rain instead. 

Rain hair, don’t care

I had to take a selfie in front of this ride to send to my friend Christie because she hates it so much!

That morning we dropped Nicky and his friend Addie off at the high school at 5:30 so they could leave for Disneyland. 

Nicky and Addie

As a long standing joke, they always take photos like this together.

In the afternoon, we had Scotty’s dad’s Easter party. 


On Easter morning, the girls got some things from the Easter Bunny - dresses for church and knock off LEGO flowers (that are actually really good for non-LEGO). 

We usually do Resurrection Rolls for breakfast on Easter, but I wasn’t prepared (I kind of forgot), so we told the girls we were going to have eggs and toast, and they weren’t happy about that. I improvised and made bunny toast.

Coloring before breakfast

Bunny toast

We went to church and attempted a photo afterward. I didn’t realize how tall Zoe has gotten. We need to reconfigure our photo formations for the future. 

Easter dresses (some years we do dresses, some years we don’t)

That evening we had an Easter party at Scotty’s mom’s house. I made funeral potatoes and finger Jello

Funeral potatoes (75 % corn flake coverage)

Chicks and bunnies

I took a poll on Instagram to see who is pro-corn flakes and who is anti-corn flakes when it comes to funeral potatoes. It turned out to be 50/50. Even as the participants increased over time, it always ended up equaling 50/50. 

(I’m pro-corn flakes, no doubt).

In summary, Easter was fine. We missed having Nicky with us, but we’re starting to come to terms with the fact that our family has reached the phase where our kids are going to be missing things more and more frequently. We’re trying to adapt. 

Now if I could just muster the energy to get these Easter decorations put away…

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